Tips To Becoming a Successful Network?Marketer

Tips To Becoming a Successful Network?Marketer

To continue on with yesterday’s 32 tips on becoming a successful network marketer…

6. Find your ‘Why’

Find out why are you in the MLM business? Understand that MLM success largely depends on your ‘why’. Let it not be about the money alone, realize what you need the money for.

Whether it be to send your kids to college or to give your wife the life she deserves. When you know what’s at stake and why are you doing it, you’ll find ways and know how to be successful in network marketing.

7. Pick one strategy and stick to it

The Internet is filled with amazing resources and courses you can use to educate yourself, but more often than that, it overwhelms people rather than helping them. Understand that all these resources and all these strategies work.

Be it from blog or any other resource that you love, just pick one and do it! At the end of this blog, you’ll see a link to Recruit-A-Thon, where you can see me recruit people LIVE for three days and learn exactly how to be successful in network marketing.

If you’re not sure about which resource to pick, that is the one for you. But whatever you do, pick one strategy and just do it.

8. Educate yourself to find success in MLM

‘In this world, youre either growing or youre dying, so get in motion and grow.’

Educate yourself. Learn something every day. Read books. Listen to podcasts. Take a course and follow it to the core. Educate yourself on how to be successful in network marketing and then apply this knowledge smartly.

9. Provide value to your team and everybody else

Provide value to everyone you come in contact with; be it by making them feel better, helping them with something or just lending an ear to listen. People will always remember you for it.

If there’s one network marketing advice that can make your life spiritually and financially better, it’s this. Always provide value! That’s what I tell everyone who asks me how to be successful in network marketing.

10. Take responsibility for sponsoring reps

Don’t be just another clueless sponsor who’s always wondering how to be successful in MLM without taking responsibility for his team. It’s fine if you have some people in your network that are lazy or just won’t budge, but you have to take responsibility for the ones who have potential. You have to become inspirational by taking action yourself. It will take your success in MLM business to the next level and will also teach your team how to be successful in network marketing so they can crush it too!

11. Set proper expectations for your MLM success

Expectations either make us happy or sad. Set realistic expectations for yourself, the ones you CAN meet. If you’re starting out, don’t just set your goal to reach 10k a month in the first few month. Chances of that happening are slim and if it won’t, you’ll be beating yourself up needlessly and it will lead you to quit the business altogether!

Instead, set small expectations for yourself first, and when you meet these, grow them gradually. Don’t pressure yourself by setting unrealistically huge expectations, and then end up defeated, thinking you don’t know how to be successful in network marketing. Take it one step at a time and gradually move up.

12. Hot market candidates

Make a list of the people in your market that you like, trust and admire. Then set your expectation to just recruit them whether or not you enroll them. Don’t bother about what will happen next, just set your goal to recruit them as well as you possibly can.

Prep yourself for it and try to do everything right and call them. At least test your skills on your best people. This will be monumental to building up your confidence and every time you do this, you’ll learn how to be successful in network marketing in a different way.

13. Master self-control

A large part of network marketing success depends upon how good are you at self-control. This is a skill that is absolutely essential if you want to achieve anything worthwhile.

Self-control is what allows you to keep your head down, follow your calendar and recruit rather than watching ESPN. You won’t learn how to be successful in network marketing by watching sports all day!

14. Stop jumping MLM companies

The grass always looks greener on the other side. Every company is going to look better to you when you’re having a difficult time. Stop jumping companies the moment you hit a bump in the road. Take it from someone who has jumped 11 different companies before realizing that this approach leads nowhere.

Don’t jump ship because it is hard. The only case where you change your company is if you don’t love the product or company, or you need new leadership. In that case, you must. But if you love the company and have great leaders within it, just keep your head down and power through the bumpy road — your company and its leadership will see your commitment and show you exactly how to be successful in network marketing

15. Walk around confidently

Be confident. Stop fighting for approval from people. Just keep doing your own thing and know that God put you down here because he loves you and he approves of you. Fill yourself with confidence and walk around knowing that you don’t have to be afraid of anyone or anything.

You have the ability to influence people and make life better for yourself and the people you touch. If you don’t have confidence, nobody will listen to you ever. When you walk around with confidence, it puts you in a mindset to achieve great success in MLM and other walks of life.

For the full blog post….head here!


Terry J Gremaux

“The Live Networker”


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