Tipping the Scale of Healing the Planet – A Personal Choice
If practitioners of metaphysics were to tell the world information about people having the power to alter their physiology and reality by pure intent of modification of their DNA, a scientist would scream saying that we are interfering in their field. Politicians and religions would scream not liking the fact that individuals may take their own power and don’t need these larger institutions to make their decisions on their behalf. Yet, there would be many people who would come for help, knowing at their cellular level that this is the way forward, the way to peace, family’s harmony and personal empowerment.
In the book “The Indigo Children” by Lee Carroll (channeller for Kryon) and his wife Jan Tober describe how to recognize the Indigo Child:
“The Indigo Child is recognizable by his or her aura and by certain other traits, according to The Indigo Children website (owned by Kryon Writings): they come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it); they have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that; self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents who they are; they have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice); they simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them; they get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought; they often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system); they seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially; they will not respond to guilt discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did") and they are not shy in letting you know what they need”.
If we were to assist, coach, counsel, heal and guide grown-ups into the understanding of where the earth is going and what they can do to give themselves an easy ride through this journey, if we could help the parents of these new children to understand that they are not just challenging their authority for the sake of it but because they have a very clear purpose, if we showed grown-ups and parents to stop thinking in a fear-based more and relax into their inner guidance, maybe then the metaphysical professionals could become the bridge between the old earth and the future of the planet.
Wouldn’t you then think that professionals of metaphysics, have an incredibly important role to play in all this?
The information in these books came together under the banner of the concept of healing through DNA and then… suddenly The New Children scenario appeared with the birth of my child, and everything came together as what I consider now my life work: assisting the parents of these new children (with an already healed, evolved or integrated DNA) with the shift of Earth into her 5th-dimensional body. And I call this work: Holistic Families – Personal Energy Management.
The story starts when a few years ago I had to rush to the paediatrician because Itsaso had an infection and she was in a lot of pain. While I was in the consultation, I had to wait for him to finish his previous appointment and so I was talking to his receptionist. As it seems to happen very often with Itsaso, people take notice of her, and so she remarked on how big she is and how mature she looks for her age (well, of course, these children are old souls in little bodies!) and as I was explaining to her my version of modern times and rushing children to compete, perform, fulfil parents’ expectations, ingest large amounts of convenient but processed foods loaded with sugar and salt and which make them hyperactive, and in general having to fit in within the parents social agenda and lifestyle. I said that I am deliberately holding her back (if you want to call it this way) in order to give her a chance to be a child because I believe she will have plenty of time later on to jump right into this big wide world and the stronger, more centred, balanced and grounded she is, the easier a job she will have. And she agreed with me.
And I wonder what is it about Itsaso that attracts so many people to stop to notice her and to come to me with comments about her beautiful appearance, good behaviour, lovely hair… I look at her and don’t find that she is especially pretty or beautiful, although I do agree that she is beautiful (but there are many other beautiful children out there too!). However, I do admit that she has a personality, a charisma, an energy, a light that I think is what people are picking up on. And this is what happens when parents are able to get out the way of their children’s development and be able to put aside their insecurities and expectations, allowing the child to become who she or he was meant to become.
The receptionist then added: “You are quite different from the other parents. We only see you on Itsaso’s appointed development goalposts; you should see other parents: they call us every 5 minutes, panicking about this and that. They make such a big deal out of everything and make their children hypochondriac!”
I was really shocked about her sincerity and openness, although I really shouldn’t because this kind of scenario where strangers open up to me is happening to me more and more these days. But it did put into perspective that I do take importance off any falls, small injuries, bruises, etc, that Itsaso may have (after all, I used to be a child and had more than my fair share of falls, scratched knees and visits to the emergency ward to give me a stitch here and there!). What I am trying to say is that I don’t have a feeling of guilt about the way I am bringing her up: I made the decision of putting her first from the beginning, opting for a perhaps bigger sacrifice for the first 3 years of her life in return for a long-term investment in her spiritual, mental, physical and emotional health, and so I am able to assess her situation with certain calmness and critical perspective so that I only rush and panic when it is really necessary to do so!
When I went into the doctor’s room, and as he was debating to what course of action to take, we were waiting for a call from the urologist and so we were chatting. And as he was commenting on what a challenging individual she has been from the moment of birth (he was the one to hold her when she was born and he could not believe the power and clarity of her voice, as well as her very small but incredibly strong frame – she weighed only 2’5 kgs when she was born) how she is coming along, how mature she seems for her age.
He said: “You don’t see as many children as I do, and I have done this job for 12 years now. But what I have noticed is that the majority of the parents have a preconceived idea of what their children should be like, and they are not able to listen to their children”.
And this summarises the whole idea: these children are the next evolutionary stage of the human race yet, we are trying to deal with them with the old patterns. They come to spread love, we treat them from a fear-based, control-based paradigm. They have a highly developed DNA structure, we need to do our own personal work in order to catch up with them if we really want to get to their level, and this takes a tremendous amount of personal work and energy to accomplish. So I guess it is easier to try to slow them down or prevent them from flying when we can only walk ourselves. Then label them ADHD, hyperactive, and numb them with drugs.
But in the end, they will win. The doctor told me: “Normally in December we are very quiet; however, this December has been the busiest time that we have ever had since this hospital was ever opened”.
“Well,” I said, “I guess that these children are coming in great numbers and are having great difficulty to adapt to the fast-changing energies of the earth, grounding themselves, and perhaps not always being helped by their parents, who have an even lesser understanding of what is going on!”.
And this is why they will win: these children, or new humans, are coming in such vast numbers that by December 2012, the balance will tip and then… each one to their own! It will be about doing our individual work. Those who have done their inner work will pass, and those who haven’t will find it very difficult indeed to stay centred, balanced or in harmony. In other words, anyone who is out of integrity will feel that their world will disintegrate or fall apart.
The doctor then said: “I did receive a copy of your book and I am really looking forward to reading it. I haven’t had the time because it has been so incredibly busy, but I will read it and give you my opinion”.
The book he is referring to is one that I wrote when I was having the experience of before and during the pregnancy of Itsaso and her early childhood. It is called “Magical Conception, Effortless Pregnancy: Aligning with Energy, Allowing Life to Flow”. I want to let parents know that there is another way. That having a child is (never has been) just simply having a child but assisting to the healing of the planet and its inhabitants.
My vision is that of a world of well-adjusted humans, living in harmony with each other and being able to respect each other's differences without feeling threatened by them.
My mission is to achieve to help parents to raise their children in a way that may not be considered normal in today's society but that is based on following their inner intuition and inner guidance.
The focus of my intent is on what is good for the child at a given time, instead of what is convenient or easy. This focus is on the longer picture, an investment in the happiness and personal balance of our children's future, without compromising value-priorities and love over materialism and convenience.
I firmly believe we are going to embark on a journey of growth for ourselves, our children, and the future of humanity. But I would like to encourage you to ask any questions, bring any comments or share your experiences. We will all have the opportunity to share our stories with the rest of the world!
Let’s create a network of light where, by joining our hands, we will focus our minds, emotions, thoughts and realities into the same truth so that we can strengthen and create a possibility, for ourselves, our children and the future of the planet, of love, light, respect and achieved potential.
In the Walt Disney cartoon film “Mulan”, there is a chapter when the emperor is advised by his counsellors to send all his troops against the Huns, the enemy, and he says “No, send as well all the first-borns of each family. One grain of rice can tip the scale. One man can make the difference between winning or losing”.
I have started this work, as many have done it before me. A critical mass is necessary to make the scale tip so I would like to challenge everyone who comes across my work to think about it; with the power of my inspiration, public speaking and writing skills, creativity, and any other gift that Spirit may have bestowed in me, and others that I may have developed over the many years, I want to ignite, inspire, mobilize others to take charge and to think of this matter as pure priority to every single thing else in the world.
I believe we can make a new world, today if we wanted to. It takes work, but wouldn’t it be boring if there was nothing to accomplish, nothing worth-while to achieve, nothing to put our creative energies into?
So my question is: are you, or I, this one rice of grain in the cosmic scale?
Can you, or I, make the difference between the earth reaching its goal of ascension within the given time?
Can we help these new children to achieve their life-work, and all of us grow in the process?
I am willing to put it to the test.
Are you?
There are, and will be, many possibilities of carrying out this work and I would challenge all light-workers out there: parents groups, children’s groups, counselling and healing practices, educational systems (for instance, the one that Neil Donald Walsh describes in his book “Tomorrow’s God” and which he calls “Creation Education” in place of the current standard procedure in schools which is based on memorizing information and which ensures the continuation of the ways of the past into the future by means of repetition).
There are many possible arenas and ways to help with this work. Each person would have to find his or her passion and inner direction according to his or her specific gifts and purpose, but all our work should come together to achieve the deepest wishes of anyone alive on earth: a life of hope, creativity, love and harmony.
Is it worth the try?
From Ebook: “Etheric DNA: The Blueprint for the Healing of the Planet”
Ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007CLHNMI
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1726770109
“The predatory way we are wiping out other species is both reflected in and partially caused by the obsession in our culture to accumulate wealth, often with no regard to that accumulation’s consequences to the ecosystem or to other humans. If taking the resources of other species is acceptable, why not take the resources of other humans, too?”
Harsh words by Thom Hartmann in “The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”. It is clear that most of us have chosen to believe this to be the truth, the final truth. Some have decided to take what they can while they can, some have decided to throw all caution to the wind and live their lives as if there were no consequences to their actions. I, and I believe many others too, have decided to believe that there is hope and that there is a way to the healing of the planet. Maybe not an easy solution, but a solution nevertheless. And this solution involves healing at the deepest level: at DNA level, at cellular-regeneration level, at soul level”.
Copyright ? Dr Ana Garcia PhD, DTM (2003 – 2019)
All rights reserved. No portion(s) of this book can be copied, used or reproduced for any manner without the expressed written consent of Dr Ana Garcia.
Linguistic Alchemist, Metaphysical Author, Polyglot
6 年Thank you Mziyanda @ ??
Service Consultant
6 年Beautifully written article. Thanks for sharing.