A Tip for Working at Home with Kids
Have a family meeting, especially for those of you that are working from home and you have kids there. Have a family meeting and let your kids know, "Hey, here's our schedule for the day. I want you to know that this first hour mom's going to be doing this, dad's going to be doing this, kids are going to be doing this." Let the kids know what the schedule is; handwrite it for everybody. Don't put too many expectations on your kids and on yourself, but I think getting buy-in from the family that this is our schedule.
Here's an idea for you. I read a story about a mom that during this quarantine went to a stoplight system and she had a red light, a yellow light and a green light and when that green light was at the door hanging on the doorknob, the kids knew they could come right in. If there was a yellow light, they needed to knock or ask if they could come in. If there's a red light, that means do not disturb. Stay out, right? Unless it's an emergency or somebody dying, stay out. I think something like that's a fun way to get the kids excited and engaged, and it's a visual prompt for them. Red light, yellow light, green light. Is now a good time for me? Can I come in and distract and ask a question or not? Get the family involved.