Tip of the Week #3
In last week's tip I mentioned about how taking two different protocols with two different data sets is a challenge. I also mentioned that you can address this challenge by using a software concept called an adapter pattern.
An adapter pattern is essentially data normalization, this is where you go and you look at your two protocols and how they represent data. From here you put software or hardware in place that will normalize the data. I’ve found that the trick to doing this is catching this before the two systems are installed.
If you find your systems will require a data adapter and you determine that adapter will cost you $10,000, (just making that number up for simplicity sake). Then you know the cost of that integration. If you can find two similar systems that do the same thing that require a data adapter that only costs $5,000 dollars then you have saved $5,000.
Some good resources for physical data adapters are Babble Buster, Field Server, Intesis, and Loytec.
These hardware products will convert two different protocols using this concept of the adapter pattern.
Next time you are looking at a project be sure to consider the hidden costs of the data adapter!
To your success,
The Tip of the Day sequence is sponsored by my training program Building Automation Systems A to Z, click here to learn more.