Tip of the Week #1
The tip of the week series is a series of articles that I will be sharing each week. These articles are little "tips" I've picked up during my time in the building automation world.
I had a new subscriber reach out to me about integrations last night. He was curious about the process of integrations.
There are 4 big tips I want to cover around this topic and I will address #1 today.
1) Be sure you are talking over the same medium.
I've seen so many folks try to integrate systems that would never match up without a physical integration. For example a BACnet/IP system with a Modbus/RTU interface. You simply cannot connect IP to RS-232/485 without a physical adapter.
My advice to you is that whenever you quote or get quotes for an integration, look for the physical aspect of the integration.
Is it over IP?
Is it on the same network?
Is it a serial connection?
Look into the type of physical interface and determine before you even get to the data model and software if the connections can connect!
In my next tip, I will talk about tips for the protocol side of integrations.
To your success,
The Tip of the Day sequence is sponsored by my training program Building Automation Systems A to Z, click here to learn more.