Tip toe toward Grease Pole
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Company Start Up & Biz Talk Magazine +Company Registration /Investor relation consultant
Three elders in their 9os were asked what do they regret most that there should have done differently, throughout their life time.
First Elder says?I wish I had taken more risks, sleep less work hard and play music?
Second Elder says?I did try to please everyone and did not reflect on my being
Third Elder says?I wish I could have spurred my horses into the right direction and invest my more on horse venturing??business.
But what so encouraging we must learn from the best that short cut doesn't pay -We often complain of longest working hours V/s Shortest working hours . The Best for us is to tip toe for the grease pole -sleep less and work hard .?#Companybasket?|?#Connectcompanybasket @companybasket