TiPTiG Pipe Manual ID 114mm x 28mm + 3.5mm Inconel 625 Clad
TiP TiG Manual Torch 18 SC - TW Jumbo standard
Tacking done with about 135 Amps.
Bullets set and start welding on the root.
The All in On Unit, can be hooked up on any Power Source with Min. 275 - 500 Amps with torch water or gas cooling.
Pipe bevel and dimension
ID 114mm x 28mm with 3.5mm
ID Clad Inconel 625
Root gap 3.5mm
Tacked with bullets insert
Purgeing preparation
Root pass
The inside root beat nice smooth transition , notice the very low heat input.
Building up with string layer to reduce heat input . No waved more than 10 -12mm in with.
The build up for welder work instructions / procedure documentation .
Ralf Schmidt and Frank Sperling from TT Europe GmbH, are here for your solution on manual or automated applications.
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