Tip of the Spear? Or on your duff?
Go ahead and Touch it

Tip of the Spear? Or on your duff?

Tip of the Spear

Listen to the podcast on Tip of Spear: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2tXMG7EkBlXwYGcawvHHr5

Go ahead and touch it. I know you; you don't know what it's really for but touch it anyway for I am going to enlighten you on its real purpose. What I want you to touch is not what you think it is. I want you to reach out and touch the wall of your office in which you sit right now. Give it a good solid pat, and in your mind's eye, tell yourself what you feel. Now if you are in your office touching that wall, I am safe to assume that there are three more of those walls surrounding you. A deep question: What is the purpose of those walls that surround you? What is the primary purpose of your office if you are in professional services?

If you are a student of ours, you know that we have a few dominant principles (if you are not, it would be in your best interest):

Where attention goes everything else follows.

What is in front of you dominates the space.

With that in mind, ask yourself again: What is the primary purpose of your office? Why does your office exist? Is it to sell a product or service? To serve a customer? To save the world? Or is there a darker and more sinister reason that your office exists? I am being sarcastic about this because the majority of our clients are financial advisors or business owners who usually fall in love with their offices and spend inordinate amounts of time in them... until they work with us.?

The hard truth is your office's primary purpose is the maintenance and administration of your existing business. Reflect on what you do the majority of the day. Reflect on the content of your staff meetings. Notice where the majority of your attention goes. Notice that there is always work to do at the office. Papers to file, clients to follow up with, marketing systems to maintain or tweak, staff to cajole or praise. It's amazing; every time you walk into your office, there's always something to do. It's so easy to get busy in the office because someone is always calling or something is going sideways.

Yep, I know it kind of hurts to realize that every time you step into the office, you are in maintenance and administration mode and opening yourself up for distraction and busyness. The real reason you love going to the office is because you don't really know what your true skill set is!

“But Ken, I have a prospect in the office and when I have a prospect in the office, I have a killer close rate!”?

That's not the real skill set. Monkeys can close people if they are in the seat. The hard part -- the real skill set -- is getting the person into the seat. Ask yourself where you spend the majority of your time... inside the four walls or out in the mix. Are you the tip of the spear for your business? The Rainmaker? Or are you a glorified admin order taker? I know it's a harsh question, but my mission is to protect and promote the motive power, the rainmaker. It's the skill set of rain making that creates immense opportunity and reward to be the tip of the spear for the business. To be the man out front creating opportunity for others, exercising their unique skill set which is sparking opportunity that is earned through likability and trust.

The great irony is that more time spent in the office creates more time to spend in the office, but the more time you spend rainmaking, the more time you can spend rainmaking. But what about all the work that is created from rainmaking? Who is going to do it? At first, you are, but in time, you will realize that the real skill set is in the rainmaking, and the more rain you make, the more resources you will have to handle the maintenance and administration.

Coach Ken


Ken Doyle

Helping Financial Advisors Make more Money and have More Fun since 2002

10 个月

Its now a great podcast! Have a listen.

Jamie Miller

Florida Director - [email protected] at People Who Think, LLC

2 年

Great article Ken! Jennifer Bash - Check it out!



