Human potential, which is hidden and untapped is often measured by the Unseen portion of the ICEBERG. Is it a misnomer? Or is it “to be understood”?
We in India are often mentally programmed from childhood to pick up skills which have immediate marketability and those technical skills which can get income on a regular basis. But do we get what we want?
Whenever we read/watch the biographies of successful people of any field, be it Sachin in Cricket or Gopichand in Badminton or Anand in Chess or Rodger Federrer in Tennis, do we learn the techniques of the game? Or do we get inspired from their story? If our focus on technical skills is legitimate, why does those bio-pics and biographies miss that point?
What separates a good player from a great player? Don’t we think that any upcoming Ranji Cricket Player has all the shots in his book like Virat Kohli have? What makes Virat Kohli is not what he knows, but what he is. Think about it!! What makes the difference is not how his bat moves during the game, but how his thoughts move him…
Life is not a bed of roses. If we are trained ONLY to write codes, or design blue-prints or perform well in any field, when life hits us hard, we may not be able to withstand. All the above skills which may help us in just surviving financially may be just a TIP OF THE ICEBERG. For that Tip to withstand from all possible calamities of life, it must stand on a greater, or bigger invisible structure, which must be deep-rooted. Those are called LIFE SKILLS.
Leader of any field is always good at his trade. But at the same time, he/she is good at dealing with self, when challenged by situations. When scholastic education is not enough to create that shields of Life Skills, Real-Life Education must be gained from the right books we read, right people we hang around with and from a MENTOR.