Tip calculator FEM weekend challenge in Power Apps learnings
Krzysztof Borkowski
Azure AI Advisor @ Microsoft | Knowledge Sharing, User Interface Design
I wrote a short article about drop shadow properties for containers yesterday when I started to Power Appin' this Frontend Mentor | Tip calculator app coding challenge
I finished my app today morning. My learning from this challenge in Power Apps are the following:
If(IsBlank(TextInputBill) Or IsBlank(GalleryTip.Selected) Or IsBlank(TextInputPeople),DisplayMode.Disabled,DisplayMode.Edit)
Selected Values on gallery. This one was a nice challenge due to different columns and rows on desktop vs. mobile layout. If you know that Vertical Gallery wraps horizontally into columns but Horizontal Gallery wraps vertically into rows you are set. Items order is essential to understand for those controls. How to identify which blank gallery was used?
You can achieve the same result both way just on horizontal one you must adjust the order of the Items based on wrap count and the X positioning of your items in the gallery will different X and the Template size property.
I think the vertical wrap is easier in this case since Tip% values do not require adjustment. I read from left to right not from top to bottom. If you go with the horizontal way another If condition will be required for Gallery's Items property:
If(App.ActiveScreen.Size>2, [5,25,10,50,15,0], [5,15,50,10,25,0])
This was a fun challenge.
I was thinking about how to take this simple app into the next level.
My ideas:
Thanks for scrolling this far. Happy Power Apping.