Tip 7 in the continuing saga of Tips to providing Technical Support
Kevin Wood
Experienced leader with experience in implementing technology to achieve organizational goals and overcome challenges
Tip seven in providing technical support states: Keep a sense of Humor!
Providing technical support is a no-win situation. People are always calling you with problems. The job will make you either laugh or cry. Laugh! Crying tends to upset the client.
People who know me, know I live by this rule daily. (Or another explanation is I am a failed stand-up comic).
Once, as a young Second Lieutenant, in the jungles of Panama, I must have just made some wise-crack about our current situation. I overheard on of my Sergeants say to another individual, "Things must not be that bad. The LT is still telling bad jokes."
The people around you will judge the severity of the situation by YOUR attitude. And so, while the situation is probably serious, if you can see something funny about it, they will feel the situation is still recoverable.
So, when told to be 'more positive', respond, "OK. I am positive something can go wrong."
This tip relates to tip 2. If those around you feel the issue can be resolved, it can. The fact YOU appear to still have hope will give them hope.