Tip 3: Wrangling Buy-In – A Tale of "Data, Huh?"
Data-products? It's like explaining rocket science to a goldfish, right? Most folks out there have a vague notion of what data even is. If you asked 50 of your coworkers to define data, you'd probably get 50 shades of data definitions. And if you dared to ask how to squeeze value out of data, well, brace yourself for responses that are more abstract than a Picasso painting. ????
You see, data's been lurking around forever, but turning it into a money-making machine is the new kid on the block. For a whole century, MBA programs have been coaching people on managing cash, tangible stuff, and the human zoo. Data? Nah, it didn't even get an invite to the MBA party until recently. Not only that, you're dropping the bombshell that this newfangled data thing is worth more than oil! It's the new liquid gold, and no one's realized it for a hundred years. How's that for a plot twist? ?????
So, naturally, you can't expect folks to react with anything less than sheer amazement! ??