Tip 2: Improve your copy in minutes
Following on from yesterday's tip about writing your first draft, here's another tip I've learned about how to write better copy for digital platforms.
TIP 2 - USE BETTER WORDS...this sounds obvious but can be easily overlooked when you're in the thick of your email, article, advert or whatever you're writing.
WHY use better words?
Words are everything. You want to find the best words to communicate what you want to say, right? Of course, you do!
This is an easy and fun way to use better words. Take your piece of copy, for example an email you’re working on. Read through and sprinkle in more interesting language. Grab your thesaurus and search for attention grabbing, power words.
Use attention-grabbing words to gain the reader’s attention.
Use interesting words to hold the reader’s attention.
One thing to keep in mind: Make sure you keep the language clear and simple. Make it more interesting but not more complex.
Just a short one today but it can be super effective, try it out and watch your copy improve in minutes.
Thanks for reading, Ciara