Tiny Sparks: What’s getting in the way of you moving forward with your business?

Tiny Sparks: What’s getting in the way of you moving forward with your business?

What’s getting in the way of you moving forward with your business?

You have plenty of ambition and you’ve done plenty of research on how to get there. Frustrated, you convince yourself that if you just tried a little harder, it would happen.

Relax. Here’s a little insight that may help.

Who’s hiding in plain sight?

When we deliver a team programme to manage organisational change, there is often a reluctant party in the room. But to succeed we need everyone on board the bus – that way everyone is moving in the same direction. It’s all about ease and flow.

By opening a conversation with those struggling we can dissolve their fears and resistance in a way they may not have been able to do on their own.

And so here’s our big question:

Are you the dissenter in your own room?

You may think that you have an expansive mindset and you’re not likely to get caught down a cul-de-sac of your own thinking but sometimes, it takes another pair of eyes to see where you’re trapping yourself.

A coach will ask you about the dialogue going on in your head. They’ll pick up on things you’ve said, helping you to find the fear behind them.

Because it’s easy for us to distort and delete information coming our way to fit the comfortable narrative we’ve created. We’re looking for answers but we may only listen to what we want to hear. The rest gets lost in translation.

So it’s not that we need a good talking to. We need a good listening to and that’s what a good coach will do. Often, the answers we need are within, we just need reassurance and a nudge from someone who genuinely cares about our success.

Catch up with these ideas and more on the Sparks by Ignium podcast. In this episode, our host Phil Rose shares what happened when his mindset limitations were highlighted by his daughter and his thoughts on how we can all spark more of what we want from life.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


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