Tiny joys + transitions
Cassandra Babilya
#MakeWorkSuckLess | Mom | Top Internal Communications + People Management Voice | Comms + EX Leader | Author ??You Got This | ex-CIA
Hello again!
Make Work Suck Less is a place for professionals who've run out of hours in the day, energy, and f*cks to give. You've got a countdown clock to December 22nd when you officially enter the holiday twilight zone (because no one else is working, it's one of the only times a year you actually feel safe not working, too). You probably spent all day thinking it was Thursday, only to find out it's still Wednesday. Bummer, dude.
So, two things.
With that said, here's the MWSL Roundup (ICYMI).
which type of career change are you facing?
Job changes are stressful! And it makes total sense. There’s an element of uncertainty or lack of control over 3 big factors:
Whether your career change is voluntary, or something that is outside of your control, it's important you understand why your flight or flight response is going haywire.
Read on to learn about the three types of career transitions you could be facing this year.
BONUS: Download my brand new Career Change Checklist to get prepare for your next move today.
tiny moments of joy add up
Last week I saw a post in LinkedIn that listed out the benefits of the four happiness chemicals and how to hack them.
It got me thinking, an afternoon quickie to stimulate oxytocin (the love hormone) probably wouldn't go over too well at work.
But how could we hack these chemicals in a safe-for-work way when your boss is micromanaging you, or when your coworker undermines you in front of your team, or you wake up on the wrong side of the bed but still need to get on with it?
So today I'm sharing some simple tricks to hack your brain for more joy at work (when you desperately need it cause the coffee is NOT doing its job). It all comes down to four happy chemicals: Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin.
Speaking from personal (and very recent) experience, knowing how and when to hack these four happiness chemicals at work is a critical tool for me making it suck less.
#makeworksuckless #yougotthis #worklifebalance #burnoutrecovery #intentionsetting #newyearsresolutions #wellbeing #mentalhealth #journal #gratitude
Huge congrats Cassandra - I ordered 5! #stockingstuffers