Tiny House: A New Way to Do Glamping and Increase Revenue for Farmers and Landowners

Tiny House: A New Way to Do Glamping and Increase Revenue for Farmers and Landowners

Property and land owners in rural Australia and New Zealand are benefiting from a partnership with Tiny Away, a micro home company. By providing a level and picturesque spot on their property, the landowners can receive up to 45% of the rental revenue. Tiny Away takes care of marketing and bookings while offering a fully furnished, small-scale dwelling. This is a great way for rural property owners to diversify and bring in additional income.

In 2018, a company was founded in Australia that provides tiny house rentals in rural areas around the world, including New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Malaysia, and Taiwan. These houses are located on private land and are designed to draw tourists to rural regions while providing landowners with supplemental income through the tourism industry. The company is part of a larger trend of eco-friendly accommodation options, including Canopy Camping for glamping and Okay2stay or Campable for camper van travelers.

“A Tiny Away stay gives people a chance to experience the tiny house lifestyle and the philosophy of ‘less is more’ when it comes to travelling,” says co-founder Jeff Yeo.

Big Tiny, a sister company of Singapore, has designed dwellings that are constructed in Australia and New Zealand. These structures are built using sustainable materials, such as waterless compost toilets, rainwater collection tanks for showers, and solar panels. This modular building model also helps to reduce construction waste.


Hosts who have homes located on working farms have the opportunity to provide tours and other activities to visitors, offering a unique look into rural life not found in city-based lodging.



