TINTA's Unique Language Support at New York Climate Week

TINTA's Unique Language Support at New York Climate Week

When it comes to language support for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities participating in decision-making spaces, TINTA ?The Invisible Thread? has a deep understanding of the comprehensive nature of this task that goes way beyond translating words from one language to another. In September 2024, TINTA was invited to accompany the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities during their participation in New York Climate Week, and was tasked with facilitating language support for the GATC delegates and their allies in 5 languages: Bahasa Indonesian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and English?

TINTA’s language support is unique because, as an organisation, TINTA has developed a relationship of trust with the GATC over many years based on mutual respect, a shared vision and a mutual desire to achieve? objectives :1. land rights; 2. free, prior and informed consent; 3. direct financing; 4. protection of life; 5. traditional knowledge. We know that this essential element - trust - is particularly important between the GATC delegates and their interpreters, who must serve as confidants, trusted persons who know and understand the delegates they are supporting and their messages intimately.

In addition, at TINTA we know that language support is about more than accurately translating words or even messages; interpretation (particularly for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities communicating in colonial languages) requires an element beyond professionalism: this work calls for heightened sensitivity and cultural awareness, that is, an understanding of Indigenous cosmovisions/worldviews and the cultural diversity that exists within these, in addition to a vast well of knowledge of the topics of concern for IPLCs.

TINTA’s own staff members reflect and highlight the importance of these values, and we make sure to establish collaborations with language professionals who identify with our mission and that of our allies. The diverse (in terms of age, origin, gender and background) interpretation team that accompanied the GATC delegation to Climate Week this year has been working alongside the delegates for a number of years, which is why they are totally familiarised with the platform’s priorities and messages, and know its members well.

There were several occasions during the week when the relevance of the aforementioned was made evident:

  • OPENING CEREMONY – The 22nd September kicked off the week with an opening ceremony led by a spiritual leader belonging to the Shuar People of Ecuador. He guided chants, rituals and blessed each of the leaders with ceremonial tobacco. During the ceremony, the interpreters denoted utmost respect for the ceremony and the spiritual leader, working around the participants discreetly, making sure they had interpretation available if desired and remaining in the background when they understood the linguistic element was not the priority.
  • COORDINATION MEETING – The rest of 22nd September was devoted to the GATC’s internal coordination meeting. A context of great familiarity among the members, it was an advantage for the interpreters to have the trust of the delegates, who constantly communicated with them and made them part of important processes like the passing of the role of Co-chair to the REPALEAC leadership, and to understand the different topics touched upon by the members during quick-paced interventions.
  • SHANDIA FORUM – Several days (23rd, 24th, 26th September) were devoted to a detailed presentation of the Shandia platform, a multi-actor conversation about it, and a technical workshop on tracking of funds and Shandia’s role in this field. The creation of the Shandia platform constitutes one of the GATC’s greatest recent achievements and connects with the very important and current topic of direct financing for IPLCs. These sessions were long and technical at times, so it was a great advantage to have a language support team already familiarised with the subject, more than willing to prepare the study materials in advance, who support each other and care deeply about the topic, thus enabling seamless communication about a technical topic. The simultaneous interpretation into 5 languages of the? all-day Shandia Forum on 24th September enabled the participation of speakers from many backgrounds, organisations and sectors and an audience of over 100 people to attend the event.

In conclusion, this year’s experience at NYCW supporting the GATC’s language requirements shows that TINTA’s relationship with the platform is as strong as ever, and that our Language Support and Logistics services are aligned with TINTA’s broader mission to weave the ties for capacity building, facilitation and cross-regional connections to reinforce IPLCs organisations, on this occasion (as always) becoming the invisible thread that weaves inclusive conversations. Our team was honoured to have the opportunity to support our allies in this way.

Laura Matyas Carvajal

Productora, Realizadora, Comunicadora en Medios Públicos, Cine y TV

4 个月

Hello TINTA. I’ve been following your recruiting for a senior communications manager, and since I lack experience I won’t be applying, however I’m very interested in your work and indigenous and social labor and I would be very much interested in a junior position with you if there’s any chance. I’m Colombian and have previously worked with endangered communities. ??


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