Tinder AND The BBC AND Flo want...you (at their copywriting masterclass)

Tinder AND The BBC AND Flo want...you (at their copywriting masterclass)


Word Tonic is doing a copywriting masterclass with a VERY famous period tracking app called Flo ;)


And if you joined right this second and stopped lurking (your canon moment is over babe. It's been too long) you'll get to come to this MASTERCLASS live and learn a whole bunch of shit from Freya.

We'll even give you a super discounted first month trial (that's £9.99 instead of £15; and you can cancel whenever. Even if you're a cheeky fuck and cancel before the discount ends).

You'll also be able to come to an upcoming copywriting Q&A with fucking Tinder:


But you out here wondering whether £9.99 is worth it, when you literally just spent £9.99 on a big Mac Meal from McDonald's.?

Like, dafaq.

Snap up the discount NOW.

(seriously, we'll be expiring it tonight and you'll miss out on all these masterclasses and we might raise prices in September for NEW joiners - NOT CURRENT MEMBERS - so you're better getting in now).

Go on, get the discounted first month trial

ALSO, YES YOU CAN JOIN FROM ANYWHERE. We're global. We just bill in £ so that you never end up paying MORE if currency rates go up.


You're still here.

Just get the discount and stop thinking about tomorrow and the day after that BECAUSE YOU CAN CANCEL AT ANYTIME...


THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS ARE WRITTEN BY WORD TONIC MEMBER AND YOUNG COPYWRITER, Lauryn Faloona . Who has legit been a copywriter ever since joining our community. Here's her tips and advice and SPIEL on Word Tonic...


EWWW NOT LIKE THAT; get your mind out the gutter.

I meant it as an analogy for WRITING; get all your shit on the page. Just word vomit it out.?

Recently, I have been working on my first website copy project.

And ohhhhhhhhh my god, it is so much more difficult to do it for yourself than it is to do it for somebody else.I'm writing for my own website, at the same time as writing for my web designer's new website.

Her copy document is full of stuff.

For her copy I was able to stick my music on and just type.

I was so proud of some of the stuff that came out.

Annnnnnnd some of the stuff that she really liked was stuff that I wasn't even sure about.…stuff I thought was shit.

She even liked the very first thing I wrote down.…which I only left in there as a joke.…

I nearly deleted it.…actually I did.…and then I pressed undo. She loved some of the stuff that I didn't think was that great.

What I'm trying to say is……you might have a different taste to your client.…so write everything down.…everything that pops into your head.…because I promise it's so much better than you think it is.

You're just judging it way too harshly.

And back to my own copy document? It's pretty much empty.I do not know how to just talk about myself.

(she writes mid-newsletter all about her own experiences - hypocrite much.)


Okay, so I took a month or two away from LinkedIn after spending monthssssssss getting my impressions (they’re like views for those of you who have yet to make an account) up.

Yes, my brain thanked me because I was no longer pressuring myself into coming up with something new to post every day.

(Lesson learned: I’m only posting when I feel like it now, gonna aim for twice a week)

Yes, my hands thanked me. Typing all that in the morning was getting sore and it wasn’t the typing I NEEDED to do for my job.

(Lesson learned: Google Docs Voice Typing (Shift+Command+s - on Macs) is actually pretty decent. FYI.)

But mostly my ego and self-confidence have been thanking me. People on LinkedIn want to post something every single day. They also want to impress everybody who reads their post. Also nobody is going to be checking whether they're telling the truth or not.

So LinkedIn is full of people talking shit.

And if they're not talking shit, they're probably still hyping everything up a little bit so that it's more impressive anyway. I knew all of this going in.?I knew people were going to be talking shit. We are the generation that spent our entire teens on the internet.

We are the generation that worked out everybody was using Photoshop. We are the generation that could smell face tune a mile away.

So, yes, I knew they were going to be talking some shit. And it's fair enough. We all want to impress the people who might hire us. But from my point of view (a normal self-employed person) it's daunting.

.I was actively trying not to compare myself to the people trying to be impressive on LinkedIn. They all felt like they were way ahead of me. Doing tons of impressive shit. But I didn't realise until I stopped using LinkedIn for a while that it was actually taking a toll on how I saw my own achievements. I've built myself a career, and I'm still working at it, but in hindsight, I've done so much in one year. It was only when I stopped using LinkedIn as much that I realised how far I've come. I don't feel like I'm behind anyone anymore. I'm doing my own thing.

It can't be measured, especially based on people's ‘impressive bullshit’ they post on LinkedIn.

So my advice is to always remember that you shouldn't be comparing yourself to others. They might read your bullshit posts and be comparing themselves to you. I'm not even gonna pretend that half my posts aren't bullshit.

Obviously, they are all based on the truth, but if I can sprinkle in a little bit of impressive bullshit, I'm going to do it.

And you should, too (if you want)


I'll be honest.

I lurked for a hot month before joining because I was worried about SO many things.?

But then when I DID FINALLY join, I realised it wasn't that deep and in the end I actually ended up landing my first copywriting gig in less than two months.

That's the magic of Word Tonic.

I literally got my first paid client because of Word Tonic, I AM NOT EVEN SHITTING YOU. But it kinda makes sense. I mean I joined nothing NOTHING. And then naturally, their resources helped me level up and build a portfolio and know my shit.

These resources to be exact:

  • weekly copywriting masterclasses with brands like Google and Tinder
  • weekly briefs to build your portfolio from scratch
  • exclusive feedback hubs where you can get advice + support on your writing
  • a private FEMALE-LED (but open to all) Discord where you can chat with 900 other GEN-Z copywriters + writers and ask any and all questions
  • Monthly copywriting challenges where you can win prizes (one was in partnership with literal KRISPY KREME)
  • AI workshops and freelancing masterclasses

It's a LOTTA good stuff.

So, if you need a third party to tell you THAT - take it from me. I wouldn't be where I am without Word Tonic. So SIGN THE HELL UP AND GRAB THAT FIRST MONTH DISCOUNTED TRIAL ASAP X

Cheeeeers x


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