~TINA TURNER - We waited a long, long time. Our genuine 12-time Grammy Award winner/SINGER had the beat-on in the PBS-broadcast. - LIP-SYNCHED - {?} ~
THAT ABOVE ARTICLE YES IS A TRIBUTE TO MISS DIANA ROSS w/ the revelation that then President Ronald Reagan - an ACTOR - wanted to decrease federal funds for the arts AND this is ACTually about MISS TINA TURNER who just might've done LIP-SYNCHING. Let's be positive yet not as if one had a blood test though!
Thanks to the ink spot for handling the process of re-creating my article as a jpg.
Have you heard it thru the grapevine? I am your private DAN-SIR. - Y E S folks - I happened to have caught TINA TURNER's final concert via Channel 13 which is PBS (Public Broadcast Station).
She is a classic page-turner who just might've been taken attorney for the worst. On the PBS station one can constantly be bothered with ads almost forcing the viewer to sustain membership. THAT IS NOT NECESSARY! Money makes the world go 'round but pay attention to the FOUNDATIONS that for the telecast{s}. $ is not required. I myself learned that while attending IONA College donating due to "Upstairs, Downstairs" learning that foundations paid the bill for that series on PBS. I ended-up personally hearing -back-from JEAN MARSH.
What's love got to do with it? Everything when it comes to represent APPreciation for TINA TURNER. The episode I saw was pre-recorded and I still do not know exactly what area {theatre/stadium/location} that this TINA TURNER event was held. The humongous crowd must've had some time getting out of the parking lot individually to get home respectively. Was this true-definite-happening hopefully taking place prior to the SMITH-CORONA virus? Was our genius singer ACTually lip-synchng? I have the write to ask. TINA TURNER is always s0 consistently electric and yes is a superstar.
The choreography, accompanying orchestra, sets that changed like the virtual costumes too were ABSolutely amazing. Yes we had the Broadway version as a tribute that was equally off-the-charts like this twelve-time GRAMMY AWARD WINNER MISS TINA TURNER.
Goodness how she re-surfaced being up-lifting - articulate - write on - right in-front of the audience and viewer.
You may need a PLAYBILL {to pay the bill} - Receipt yourself though. Just try not to stream it - You may have to pay for it! That makes for one last stand on the river. Bring on another day for another GREAT ADVENTURE. Mary would be PROUD.