The Timing of Time
Jennifer Amedorme
Business Executive| Engineering Infrastructure for Emerging Market Businesses | SME Scale Expert | PM| Writer| Neo-Generalist|
Thank God it's Friday! Safe space, how has your week been?
I'm just here to share with you how fascinating timing is and why you should pay attention to it.
A few days ago, I sent you a letter titled "The Wealth Between Your Ears" that should have been sent 2 weeks earlier but had been sitting in the drafts all that time because life was happening. All right? If you missed it, not to worry, I'll leave the link.
Now, three days or so ago, I saw Sire Olakunle Soriyan (aka PK) 's YouTube Live Session, Part 2 of "Necessary Nimbleness. I was in the live session for Part 1 earlier in the week but missed Part 2.
And for the first 40 minutes, he made direct emphasis on every single point I made in my last letter. What are the odds? I was stunned because earlier that day, I was meditating on the essence or spirit of time and timing which most people may understand as Kairos and Chronos and it made a lot more sense watching that replay.
Let's deconstruct these words; it's going to lead us to the point we're driving at.
Chronos (ΧÏ?νο?) is an ancient Greek word that means "time". It can also refer to the Greek god of time.?
Chronos as a word
- Chronos is the root of the English words "chronological" and "chronicle".?
- The combining form "Chrono" is used in nouns, adjectives, and adverbs to indicate a connection with time. For example, "chronological".?
Chronos as a god
- In Greek mythology, Chronos was the personification of time and the father of time.?
- Cronus was another name for Chronos.??
- Cronus was associated with the Golden Age and was a patron of the harvest.?
- In classical antiquity, Cronus was associated with the Roman god Saturn.?
Chronos in the Bible?
- The word "Chronos" appears in the Bible 53 times.
Chronos vs. Kairos?
- The ancient Greeks also had a second word for time, "Kairos", which refers to the right moment or opportune moment.
kai·ros. (?)kī|r?s. plural kairoi. -r?i. : a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action : the opportune and decisive moment.
And while I stayed in that frequency, I came to a resolution that every tick of Chronos is actually a Kairos. Instead of waiting for an opportune moment in time, take the opportunity out of each tick and make it yours. There's no time to waste and there are things to get done. Do it now.
But if you've wondered, "I don't know you, why should I listen to you?" That's okay, why don't you catch up with Sire Olakunle Soriyan (aka PK) [whose credibility you might not question]'s "Necessary Nimbleness II" while you get to know me? Haha! If you missed my letter from earlier, catch up here:
I thought it was a Kairos moment to share this with you and make a decision to take the bull by the horns. This 3 hours long but worth your time:
The point is, go back to the letters and follow these simple tasks that serve as guidelines to support, enable, and accelerate your genius. No one did that for me but I'm not too young to do that for you :)
The future is African. The Future is Black. Only if you're making a contribution to sustaining and employing the continent. Be the creator. Be the solution. Be the light --as a 9-5er or entrepreneur. Doesn't matter.
Yours in unwavering belief,