"Timing Is Everything"
Mark McIntosh
Passionate about encouraging others to persevere, Chair of 2026 Denver Transplant Games Host Committee, Drive for Five Managing Editor, Sports Illustrated columnist, advocate for low-income students and displaced men.
We've heard it numerous times, "Timing is Everything." Sure. Whatever. But for those who believe it true, perhaps, an example. We just moved forward in time. We have more sunlight. Damn good thing on the day after a monster snowstorm. Which takes thy brain to gratitude. Often, I'm asked, "Do you keep a gratitude journal?" Humm. Upon reflection, the answer is yes. This ol' knucklehead does have a gratitude journal. Usually, it's public, like this. Gratitude? To live in an incredible setting like Colorado, the Centennial State. There are few places in the world where Mother Nature overwhelms everything and, then, 24 hour later? Switcheroo. I'm walking into the local Target store. Sun is shining, warm temperatures permeate and the big melt is in full throttle. Run into a dude in the parking lot. He's dressed for summer. T-shirt, shorts and shades. Observing this while wandering toward the entrance, I offer, "Hey dude. What I love about Colorado? One day it snows three feet and the next? We're dressed like you. Awesome." As this cool cat loaded the final things into his car, he quipped, "I would have worn my flip flops had it not been so wet." Right on brother. Let's recap. Big snow. Needed moisture. Forced everyone to slow down a bit. Personally? Spent most of the day shoveling snow with neighbors. We got to know each other better while helping one another. Pretty cool. Then run into this dude at Target. Timing is everything. Never underestimate when opportunity might knock when least expected. Including in the middle of a storm. #goodbetterbest