In times of crisis, the right leadership at the right time in the right place is crucial if an organization survives the future.
Dr. Glenn Agung Hole
Honorary Professor | Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, Economics & Management | Tax & Corporate Advisor | Columnist | Mentor | Former CEO & Executive Leader | Public Speaker
Covid19 worldwide has shown that now, more than ever, leaders must be able to manoeuvre the organization through both abrupt sea and hurricane storms. From small emergencies to natural disasters, there have always been challenges to leading the organization though uncertainty. Poor leadership cause considerable damage at a time when the organization need guidance and direction to regain a sense of calm and confidence that things will get better. The history is full of top executives who lack drive, commitment, and prospects. Instead of acting, they stick their heads in the sand and think it will pass.
In a crisis, leaders must be able to adapt rapidly and change quickly as new information becomes available. One must continue to search for new information and cannot be insistent on a singular approach if the situation changes.
Due to the COVID19 situation the corporate landscape of business operations is currently changing by the hour, and the ability for individual leaders and organizations to take on the process of change is vital to success. Leaders will need to discern what is necessary and what is expendable very rapidly.
Leaders need to be able to pivot quickly to adapt to evolving situations. In times of disruption, having tangible actions to take can help give your team a sense of control, and make them feel like they are contributing to a solution. Today’s successful leaders are adopting the basic philosophies of servant leadership, focusing on enriching the lives of individuals, building better organizations, and creating a more caring world.
A good leader encourages diversity of thought and encourage the team to think outside the box and consider everyone’s perspective when it is time to make a move. Are you giving everyone a seat at the table? What valuable input are you missing if you are not focused on collaboration and exchanging ideas? Too often we see top executives sitting at the end of the meeting table and at the end of a meeting they end with a summary where the leader says, this I thought was a good meeting. What do you think? Then you can be sure that most people sitting around the table will agree with the boss even if they think the opposite. As a leader, first and foremost, you must create a safe environment for your employees to dare to express their opinions, even if they are the opposite of your opinions. Leaders who do not create room for this will not succeed in making changes and progress. They just want to create nod dolls and yes people around them that eventually lead to the organization's safe and rapid death. I have said several times that several top executives should try to write scientific articles for scientific journals. Then you get to try it, which you were initially satisfied with and thought was good. You are quickly picked apart by your opponents, and you are happy to have four of them with four different opinions. Then you must learn how to handle and handle constructive criticism in a good way. The only thing they want is for your scientific work to be the best possible before it is published. The same goes for your employees, they wanted to give their input so that the organization can develop in the best possible way. Unfortunately, we see too many top executives who do not understand the importance of countering constructive criticism. Instead, they go straight into the defensive position and become aggressive instead.
A good leader creates a culture of trust in the organization. Especially in times of uncertainty, a leader must be transparent and have a clear purpose. Communications need to be specific and disseminated to every level of the organisation top to bottom. Trust is earned and hard to repair once broken. Remember that it is not about you and stop being so damned selfish and only listen to yourself and your own voice. Where would you be without the organization’s employees? To many leaders make the mistake of viewing people and profits as two separate issues. However, you cannot have one without the other. Show your team employees that they are valued, and during difficult times, do your best to make them feel supported.
Good leaders foster leadership in others. Spend time developing your employees internally. Highlight employees who deserve it and stop holding employees back. Get a bigger arena as a leader and get input from the entire organization. Create new meeting places so you can meet the staff and let them meet you. There could be general meetings and extended leadership groups, and new meeting arenas where you pick out employees from across the organization to ensure that the organization is representatively represented. Develop future leaders in your organization through coaching and mentorship. Take the time to teach someone the ropes, bring them into meaningful conversations, or consider enrolling them in a leadership development program. If you are consistently developing your leaders, your organisation will be ready to face any challenges that come your way. When handled well, crisis management can produce incredibly positive outcomes for you and your organizations. There can be a feeling of strength and empowerment, and a renewed sense of community that comes from coming together to get through uncertainty.
Organizations that make the right moves now will become stronger and more viable. With the right leadership, your organisation, your community cannot only make it through a crisis but learn from it and become better because of it. The right leadership at the right time in the right place is crucial if an organization survives the future.