In Times of Crisis, Considered Communications
“Flatten the curve, wash your hands, stock up, shelter in place.” The past few days, it can feel like we’re playing a very disturbing game of Simon Says. Whether it’s the news, Twitter, or a (highly questionable) “Fwd:Fwd:Fwd” email chain, there’s constant communication on how to eat, rest, work—even how to walk your dog if you’re in the Bay Area.
It’s a tale as old as time. Distance makes the texts grow longer. The more far apart we are, the more we crave immediate human communication. And right now, communication is our lifeline. This is a time when we’re looking for new, more intentional ways of reaching people—all with the barrier of not being in the same room. We’re in this bizarre predicament together, navigating digital-only connections and realizing they’re not as easy as just clicking a Google Hangout link.
What these trying times are showing us is that people are resilient communicators. We will connect, if it’s by making dinner together via Skype, leading workout routines from rooftops, or singing to neighbors from balconies. And just like isolated people everywhere are getting creative to keep in touch, so are brands, companies, and organizations.
Together with Moonshot, a creative agency, we’ve created a resource page here that we hope will be helpful to CEOs and communicators who are navigating these trying times. We are putting our shared expertise to work in the hope that can be our contribution to our community as we all work through this pandemic.
We’ve created a resource page here that we hope will be helpful to CEOs and communicators who are navigating these trying times. Read additional articles HERE.
Also, if you’d like to suggest a topic, or ask a question, or contribute a guest post, feel free to reach out at [email protected].
Lesley Gold?it's great (and smart) that you are dong this. Thanks for sharing. Stay healthy!