The Times Couldn't Be Better

The Times Couldn't Be Better

Excerpt from EVOLUTIONARY WORK: Unleashing Your Potential in Extraordinary Times. By Patricia DiVecchio (Pearhouse Press, 2010)

“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.” – Erica Jong

It seems like a contradiction in terms. The times, in many ways, seem like the worst in a lifetime. Because of and beyond the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing unparalleled change on planet Earth from global warming to financial upheaval to the breakdown of work and business as we know it. Our vulnerability, humanity and sense of security are being tested. Who we are as a human race, along with the institutional structures and life-long beliefs held so dear, are being redefined right before our eyes.

No one is immune. At some level, we are all being affected. When hard times come, as now, we tend to pull back and contract. We think hunkering down while still being committed to work as usual is the route to take when, in actuality, the opposite is true. Reinvention from the inside out is needed, an overhaul that results in a new enlightened model of work and business.

The problem is we haven’t been living or working true to our nature for a long time.

Repeating the past is not the answer. Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing repeatedly expecting to achieve new results. So, are we insane or just creatures of habit? A bit of both, perhaps. It’s not easy to shed old skin when it’s the only coat you’ve ever worn, even when you know it’s for the best.

Personally, I drift in and out of feeling out of control and knowing I’m evolving into a truer sense of self and work. When feeling out of control, I’m afraid everything I’ve built up over the years of my business is tumbling down. Is this ego or paranoia? Could be either or both, I suppose. When feeling on the right path and open to learning the lessons put in front of me, I’m able to step back and reevaluate my approach to business to meet the needs of today; I’m truer to my heart’s longing; and I’m creating the business community I long for I’m in this boat with you. Always the first student of my own work.

So, what is the best next step? How do we tap and leverage human potential, humanity and wisdom first within ourselves and then through our work? How do we create new work models that meet the deeper human needs of our global economy?

We start by asking a new set of questions. Tough questions. They are deep, challenging and heartfelt. The time to face them couldn’t be better.

Here are some of those questions.

  1. Opportunities are knocking on the door – Are you stepping up to your next level of both personal and business growth? If not, why not?
  2. We are all very wise – Are you leveraging your uniqueness both within your work and for the greater good of us all?
  3. What limited beliefs and assumptions are preventing you from making a quantum leap?

These economic times are forcing everyone to work differently. Radical, not simple, change is needed. We have the world of work all backwards in so many ways. Work and business are not an external event but an internal perspective that generates itself in the marketplace. Those taking the high road are the ones who will succeed. Individuals who will ultimately survive and thrive are the ones willing to adopt a more enlightened mental work model – where making a difference and seeing a good return are equal priorities.

Take the first step, risk more than ever before and don’t stop. The actions and answers may not all be apparent, and you may not be sure where to start, but the time is now. You have the power to influence reality—to create the work world of your choice. YOUR work is worth the effort.

Patricia DiVecchio – Founder and CEO of International Purpose, Patricia operates as a business strategist, thought leader, consultant and executive coach, advancing leaders toward the evolution of self and work within their work/business. She has partnered with hundreds of businesses and organizations in various parts of the world over the last 25 years. She is developing a new worldwide paradigm of work based on her Seven Evolutionary Tools. Reach her at [email protected].

Click EVOLUTIONARY WORK: Unleashing Your Potential in Extraordinary Times to purchase a copy of the book.

With Warm Regards,



[email protected]

Skype: patricia.divecchio

WhatsApp: +1-703-200-3447


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