Times Change

Times Change

As an update to all my friends and family I am no longer with the Liberal Party of Canada as a volunteer or member. I worked hard for them, gave my time love and effort and passion for what I believed would be good change. However that has not happened. Sad to say, I decided it was time to move on and wrote to Justin, Sophie and let them know. It was nice while it lasted, I had fun and thought it would be a long term thing but with the scandals, euthanasia and the jet setters during the pandemic, as well as other factors impacting my life and faith have moved on. I had a strong case for my harassment and did not deserve to have a psychiatric assessment done or be called delusional and labelled with stigma that was unwarranted. It has been a hard fight to get my health back, my enthusiasm back and I will always love Justin Trudeau. After all he is good looking. But, he went back on his word that there would be safe guards in place for Euthanasia and I wish him the best. It was fun while it lasted up until the harassment came into my condo and it turned nasty with his local MP not helping me at all after all the volunteering I did with him, the love and commitment I gave him. I am sure a new chapter and new relationships will do me good. I will miss Justin, he is warm, and we had a lot in common in our fighting for international development and he took the time to read and respond to my emails. In many years the only Christmas card I received was from him and I will treasure them. Time never stands still and like a river, the same water does not touch the same place twice.


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