The Times They Are a-Changin'?

The Times They Are a-Changin'

The Times They Are a-Changin'

Markets have been hit hard over the last month given the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The timing and speed of which surprised many. Our learning from past experience of geopolitical events is that the outcomes are extremely hard to predict and most of us don’t have an edge in calling the outcome. Hence, it is often better to look through this as a temporary shock and remain focused on the trajectory of the economy. However, let’s break this down into scenarios and play them out - something that Raoul, a well-known macro investor, did recently– so taking a leaf out of his playbook. Read here

Asia's 4 tigers have matured, but still burning bright

ASIA'S 4 early tiger economies of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong may have matured and been dethroned by China, but strategists say each continues to hold their own in world markets in the Year of the Tiger. Read here

Get insights into the furniture rental industry

"Last decade was a decade of commerce, this decade is going be decade of subscription"
-Founder & CEO Furlenco-

Watch the conversation between Mr. Ajith Karimpana, CEO & Founder, Furlenco, and Ms. Shilpika Ganeriwala, Senior Advisor, Kristal Private Markets. . Watch here

What are alternative investments, and how can I invest in them?

Investment for most of us means one of two things. Stocks, or fixed income instruments, such as fixed deposits or bonds. They are among the simplest and most well-known tools to create wealth. But the investment world is not restricted to equities or fixed income instruments. There are a vast number of instruments that could be equally good, if not better, at creating wealth. Read more

Guru Talks: Gyan by the best in investing

Ray Dalio shares "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail".

That's all for this month. Thanks for your time. If you liked it, please subscribe to it.



