James Howard
Executive Director, Black Inventors Hall of Fame Museum,Executive Producer BIHOF Films. Design Thinking Leader, Board of Directors, United States Intellectual Property Alliance, Hon. member National Academy of Inventors.
Kudos to the authors of two recent posts applauding the expansive skills and capacity of Black Men. The Black Inventors Hall of Fame (BIHOF) was established to highlight this very point, and to alert an apathetic public to the far-reaching talents of Black men all across this country, today and throughout history. A brilliant persona that is attached to a 300-year fraternity of leaders like Banneker and DuSable; DuBois and B.T. Washington; Douglas and Dunbar. Furthermore, these present-day messengers help to uproot 300 years of disenfranchisement that has been allowed to fester in the public’s conscience. But such indifference no more. The days of sequestering the black man's accomplishments (Onesimus), narrowing his contributions (Latimer), and blatantly stealing his genius with no franchise (McCoy). Are long gone. To the two noted authors, I applaud you and ask that you support the BIHOF 2021 Strategic Focus as reported to the newly formed Board of the Black Excellence Alliance(BEA) in January:
BIHOF Strategic Focus 2021
To lay a foundational framework from which the impression of the African American persona is no longer that of athlete and musician solely. But rather that of pioneer, scientist, innovator, engineer, and doctor. BIHOF will serve as the conduit for a broader and deeper interpretive African American experience…past and present…An experience that informs the general audience of a richly articulated, larger than life community. A community that has overcome a lack of proper franchise to uplift and move a nation forward. And in doing so, imbue a god given, innovative spirit, that owes no apologies for its immense depths of accomplishment. James Howard, Executive Director, BIHOF www.bihof.org
Here are the aforementioned postings. 1 Article and 1video https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6763328221564940288/