Timeline of the Coronavirus Outbreak (April 22 update)
(Last updated April 22, 2020 - 9:30 pm, PST)
Timeline of the events of the coronavirus outbreak originated in the city of Wuhan, China. News are updated periodically. Relevant sites at WHO, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.), and National Health Commission of China found at the end of the article. Additional information available at Virus World.
Global Infections: 2,627,000
Global Deaths: 183,000
Countries & territories affected: 225
April 22, 2020 - More than 2.6 million cases diagnosed, 183,000 deaths globally. Several states in the US start to reopen their businesses despite lack of a 2-week trend downward of COVID-19 cases (Georgia), and at a time when over 2000 people are still dying every day in the U.S. At the same time, Trump signs an executive order to stop immigration. In Spain the lockdown will continue until the second part of May. Deaths in Spain increased overnight to 453. Germany authorizes the test of its first clinical vaccine. Vaccine trials also set to start in the UK. Two cats in New York test positive for COVID-19.
April 21, 2020 - Price of oil drops below zero for the first time on record and oil producers struggle to find places to store current production. Missouri sues the Chinese government over its handling of the coronavirus, saying China's response to the outbreak brought devastating economic losses.
April 15, 2020 - 2 million cases of COVID-19 globally.
April 11, 2020 - U.S. surpasses Italy and reaches a toll of 20,000 deaths and half a million cases. Spain reaches the highest density of confirmed cases in any large country, nearing 4 infections per 1000. The curve of cases in New York starts to flatten after more than 180,000 infections and 8600 deaths have been reported. All U.S. states are now under a federal disaster declaration. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service starts depositing the first coronavirus stimulus payments in taxpayers bank accounts. China reports 99 new cases, although near all of them are overseas travelers returning to the country.
April 10, 2020 - 100,000 deaths globally. A small clinical trial on remdesivir suggest some effect in a study where two thirds of enrolled patients were severely ill.
April 9, 2020 - A study published in Nature demonstrates that coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses can get airborne and transmitted through aerosols.
April 7, 2020 - China releases 11 million residents of Wuhan from its travel restrictions after 76 days of lockdown. Meanwhile, the U.S. reaches 400,000 cases and 13,000 deaths.
April 4, 2020 - Spain reaches the highest density of COVID-19 cases in the world among large countries, nearing 0.3% of the total population. Over 300,000 infections in the U.S., with over one third of them in New York. With borders closed, concerns raise in the U.S. about crop harvesting and food shortages. Temporary foreign visa workers, who made up 20% of the country’s farm workforce, cannot enter the country. Scientists and health authorities now believe it is possible that SARS-CoV-2 goes airborne and is transmitted through aerosols. U.S. begins antibody testing to track who have become infected. China, now starting to open up the country's lockdown, delivers four million masks to Europe and 1000 ventilators to New York.
April 2, 2020 - 1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 globally, 245,000 of them in the U.S.
April 1, 2020 - The U.S. expects 100000 to 240000 deaths from COVID-19. Every 3 minutes a New Yorker dies of COVID-19. Cases in Italy, and Seattle start to slow down. Lockdown policies in California appear to have an effect slowing the curve of infections. 864 new deaths in Spain. South Africa in aggressive lockdown after cases reach over 1000. Over 1200 infections reported in Mexico with 29 deaths. Summer Olympics in Japan recently postponed until July 2021. Champions league in Europe suspended.
March 29, 2020 - Over 700000 infections and 40000 deaths globally. U.S., with 20% of the world cases, extends "stay home" restrictions through the end of April, when models predict over 2000 daily deaths at the peak expected in 4-5 weeks. New York remains the center of the US epidemic with over 10000 deaths. Italy also extends the containment measures in the country as total deaths surpass 13000. Record days for new deaths in Spain (838). Switzerland reaches one of the highest density of COVID-19 cases in the world, at more than 2 cases per 1000 people.
March 26, 2020 - Half a million infected globally. 23000 deaths reported. The U.S. becomes the country with the highest number of infections (over 82000). Near half of US cases concentrated in the New York metropolitan area. U.S. hit last week the highest number of unemployed claims ever (3.3 million), quadrupling the previous record. The Senate unanimously passed a $2 trillion stimulus plan. Stock market raises for third consecutive day. A quarter of the world population estimated to be in lockdown.
March 23, 2020 - 462 deaths in Spain in one day. More than a billion people worldwide ordered to stay home. In the U.S, 46500 infections are reached and over 100 million ordered to stay home in the States of California, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Louisiana, Connecticut, Washington, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Oregon and New Jersey. The National Guard is deployed for California, New York, and Washington States. Italy, Spain, and New York City reach levels of COVID-19 greater than 1 in 1000 people. In Italy the fatality rate reaches near 10% of confirmed cases.
March 22, 2020 - Spain’s fatalities up, 394 new deaths. About 3500 health workers infected in Spain (about 12% of the country's infections). Spanish President extends the national state of emergency for 15 more days. Deaths also raise in Canada, 50 % up. Over 30,000 cases in the United States, with near 10000 infections in New York City alone. Shortage of masks and respirators in the U.S. Testing policies change and become restricted in the U.S. again, tests given priority for health workers and hospitalized patients. One in five Americans ordered to stay home. No new cases in Wuhan for 4th consecutive day, but China reports increase in imported cases (46 new) and concerns raise about the possibility of new outbreaks in the country. Over 54000 cases in Italy, nearing 5000 deaths. FDA approves new test for the virus with results in less than an hour. The test will be used mostly in the hospital settings. Germany limits gatherings outside to no more than 2 people. Riot in Colombia’s prison after COVID-19 kills nearly two dozen. Hydroxychloroquine therapy in combination with azithromycin may show clinical benefit and reduce viral load in COVID-19 patients.
March 20, 2020 - In the U.S. one third of the near 20000 cases are concentrated in New York city, where hospitals are preparing for the worse. Italian cases continue growing fast and will reach 50000. Colombia declares national emergency. News of a small trial in France indicate that a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin can reduce viral load in 5 days. Another report shows viral RNA in feces even after the virus cannot be found in respiratory swabs.
March 19, 2020 - Global deaths reach 10000. Italy reaches over 41000 cases and 3400 deaths, exceeding China’s cumulative fatalities. California issues a stay at home order starting tomorrow. The State estimates over half of Californians will become infected. U.S. warns Americans not to travel abroad. Central European Bank announces €750000 million plan (750 billion). Mandatory quarantine declared in Argentina. Portugal declares state of emergency. Olympic flame lands in Japan.
March 18, 2020 - Fiji, Djibouti, Saint Lucia, and Zambia report first cases. 475 deaths in Italy in one day, with COVID-19 cases doubling every 4-5 days. Portugal declares national emergency. China reports no domestic infections (only imported cases), and South Korea cases keep slowing down. First death in Sub-Saharan Africa reported. San Francisco Bay under mandatory quarantine. U.S. Reports indicate an alarming trend of younger people infected. Testing shortage still occurring in the U.S. Trumps administration proposes 1 trillion stimulus plan that is passed by the senate. Stock market tumbles again (6.3%). U.S. government financial plan includes $500 millions to deliver checks to Americans, postponing tax payments and issue loans to small businesses. Trump also signed a coronavirus relief bill to provide paid sick leave, free testing, and medical aid to those affected by the pandemic. U.S. - Canadian border closes. The European Union closes its borders. China approves initiation of COVID-19 clinical trial. Results from another clinical trial testing two HIV drugs lopinavir/ritonavir for treatment of COVID-19 severe patients finds no clinical benefit over standard-care.
March 16, 2020 - Largest ever one-day drop of the U.S. stock market (3000 points). Moderna therapeutic doses its first patient, a healthy volunteer in Seattle, with an experimental mRNA vaccine. 28000 infections in Italy and 10000 in Spain. 4700 cases in U.S., where Trump releases new guidelines, including avoiding eating at restaurants and public places, and gatherings of more than 10 people. Iceland performs widespread testing of its population. Venezuela imposes nation-wide quarantine, and Philippines quarantines the entire island of Luzon (57 million). Imported cases into China continue rising. Liberia, Somalia and Tanzania report firs cases.
March 15, 2020 - For the first time global infections outside China exceed infections in China. 25000 cases and 1800 deaths in Italy. In Madrid (Spain) cases are doubling every 2 days, one of the fastest rates on record at this moment. CDC recommends to avoid gatherings of 50 or more in the U.S. NY and Washington states order restaurants and bars to close. The Federal Reserve cuts interest rates to near zero. First cases reported in Bahamas, Central African Republic, Guinea, Northern Cyprus, and Uzbekistan.
March 14, 2020 - Europe has become the center of the epidemics with over 45000 cases reported. Italy remains the country with the highest density of COVID19 cases, with over 21000 confirmed infections (0.03% population). Spain reports over 1500 new cases in 24h, despite most citizens remain at home and few are being tested. All contiguous US states and Alaska have reported COVID-19. Citizens of U.K. and Ireland added to the list of countries restricted to travel to the U.S. Lancet study suggest that fatality rates in symptomatic patients may have been largely underestimated at the peak of the outbreak. First cases reported in Equatorial Guinea, Namibia, Seychelles, Sudan, and Venezuela.
March 13, 2020 - First cases reported in Aruba, Cayman Islands, Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Gabon, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Kosovo, Mauritania, Suriname, and Uruguay. U.S. and Spain declare National emergencies. U.S. releases $50 billion to fight the outbreak at a time when 46 people have already died and 22000 schools are closed. Criteria for testing in the U.S. is revised. In Spain, with over 5000 cases, everybody is asked to stay at home for 15 days. South Korea’s cases continue to lower, whereas Europe reports more daily cases than China at its peak. Apple reopens stores in China. First Chinese case of COVID-19 now tracked back to November 17. New COVID-19 tests from Roche and Thermo Fisher get FDA emergency approval in the U.S.
March 12, 2020 - Wall Street plunges 10% and Asian markets follow downward. Over 1000 deaths reported in Italy (6.7% fatality rate). Bolivia, Cuba, Ivory Coast, Jersey, Reunion, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turkey have their first cases. Climbing Mount Everest closed from the Chinese side. Real Madrid quarantines its entire team and “La Liga” suspends all soccer games in Spain. Latter-day Saints suspend all gatherings worldwide. Large gatherings in California and New York suspended. Top U.S. health official, A. Fauci, acknowledges in Congress the failures to test for COVID-19.
March 11, 2020 - WHO declares the Coronavirus outbreak a pandemic at a time at which 114 countries have reported combined over 125000 cases of COVID-19 and 4600 deaths have occurred. DR Congo, Jamaica, El Salvador, Guyana, French Polynesia, and Honduras report their first cases. Dow Jones plunges 5.9%. U.S. suspends flights from and to the European Union for 30 days. Italy becomes the country with the highest density of infections, ahead of China. 0.02% of the Italian population has become infected (12462 cases), and 827 deaths have been reported. The entire country is in lockdown. Italians are not allowed to leave home or go to work without justification and they must file a form with the Interior Ministry for specific exclusions. California schools close. German government recommends the cancellation of all events with more than a thousand people. China’s cases increase slightly, apparently driven by people getting back from overseas. 1100 cases reported in the U.S. Only six states in the contiguous U.S. territory are free of COVID-19. California, Massachusetts, New York and Washington lead the number of infections. NBA basketball league in the U.S. suspended. Lancet study shows that infected patients may shed virus longer than previously thought. Median period is 20 days after onset of symptoms, but some patients present viral load longer than 30 days.
March 9, 2020 - 4000 deaths globally. Fear of pandemic cause financial meltdown. Dow Jones plunges 2000 points and sheds two years of gains. Oil prices sink. Airlines and cruise ship stocks have lost over 50% in the last 4 weeks. First cases reported in Brunei, Burkina, Faso, Cyprus, Guernsey, Mongolia and Panama. Fear increases in California and New York. On the positive side, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fund with $125 million treatments for COVID-19, German patients survive infection at the highest rates (less than 2 per 1,000), and only 40 new cases are reported in China, all in Wuhan.
March 8, 2020 - 108 of the 195 world’s countries have reported COVID-19 cases. 110000 infections globally. During the weekend Albania, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, French Guiana, Maldives, Malta, Martinique, Republic of Moldova, and Paraguay, report their first cases. Italy, South Korea and Iran surpass China in percentage of their respective populations affected by the coronavirus. China’s new cases continue to slow. Italy holds 16 million under mandatory quarantine in the Northern provinces. Ship quarantined in the Nile river with presumably one third of its passengers and crew infected. New York and Oregon declare states of emergency. The U.S. remains the country with one the highest fatality rate (at 3.8%). Moscow threatens its citizens with prison terms if they fail to self-quarantine. WHO has not declared COVID-19 a pandemic yet.
March 6, 2020 - Cases surpass 100000 globally, with over 21000 of those from outside of China. Bhutan, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Serbia, South Africa, Togo and the Vatican report their first cases. Globally, 95 countries and territories have reported cases. The U.S. currently has the worst fatality rate (5.4%) among all the countries, likely due to problems implementing and testing for COVID-19. Washington state has a fatality rate of 16.5%. Nationally, 27 U.S. states are affected by the virus. South Korea is already the country with the largest percentage of its population (0.013%) affected by COVID-19. In comparison, only 0.006% of China's population has become infected. Apple Inc asks its California employees to work from home.The International Society of Antiviral Research cancels its annual meeting in Seattle (WA).
March 5, 2020 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Palestine and Slovenia report their first cases. Cases outside China reach are doubling every 4 days. Ten countries present more than 200 COVID-19 cases. Another cruise ship (“Grand Princess”) idling outside the coast of California reports the State’s first death, a Sacramento resident who had visited the ship. Seattle’s school district close for two weeks. Worldwide school closures affect near 300 million students in 22 countries. COVID-19 reaches all regions of Italy and cases surpass 3850. Cases in New York doubled and reach 22. Dow Jones drops again near 1000 points (3.6%). The China Evergrande Group funds with $115 million a Chinese-American collaboration with researchers from the Boston and Guangzhou areas. CDC updates its clinical guidelines for COVID-19 to more than 3000 physicians, health workers, and researchers.
March 4, 2020 - Poland, Faroe Islands and Gibraltar report their first cases. To date, fifteen countries (in addition to China) have reported COVID-19 deaths. Global fatality rate increases to 3.4%, but rates vary largely by country: South Korea (0.6%), Japan (1.8%), Iran (3.2%), Italy (3.5%), China 3.8%, U.S.A. (7.2%). To prevent further spread Italy closes all schools and universities across the country through March the 15th. California’s Governor declares state of emergency by the coronavirus outbreak, whereas the U.S. house passes $8.3 billion spending bill to combat the outbreak.
March 3, 2020 - 17 more countries report cases for the first time since last update (March 1, 2020). U.S. reaches 9 deaths (all in Washington state), which translates in a 7.3 % fatality rate (national), suggesting that infections may be underestimated. In the U.S. the CDC will drop the restrictions on testing, whereas 16 states have already reported 122 cases of COVID-19. South Korea, Italy and Iran have combined more than 11000 cases. Gilead's drug remdesivir will be used in Japan, South Korea, and Washington state
March 1, 2020 - Armenia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Iceland Luxembourg, Qatar, and Scotland report their first cases. Global deaths surpass 3000. South Korea's Catholic church decides to halt masses at more than 1,700 locations nationwide. AA suspending Milan flights because of reduction in demand, while cases in Italy surge 50% (1694 cases). First U.S. death of COVID-19 is reported, a person in his 50s, while 8 states have already reported cases. Australia reports also its first death, a 78-year old passenger of the Diamond Princess ship who was quarantined in Darwin. A double-lung transplant performed for the first-time in a COVID-19 patient. WHO publishes updated recommendations for international travelers. U.S. extends travel alerts, now covering China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea.
February 28, 2020 - Belarus, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Monaco, North Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Nigeria) reported cases of COVID-19 fort the first time. US issues travel alert for Italy: “avoid non-essential traveling”. New cases in South Korea alone (594) exceed the new cases in mainland China (427 new infections). Italian authorities report total cases of 889, with half of them displaying no symptoms. In the U.S. two more unexplained cases in Oregon and California. A new study on the clinical features of COVID-19 of 1099 hospitalized patients is published in NEJM. Key findings: median incubation period 4 days; Median duration of hospitalization: 12 days. Fever and cough the two most common symptoms (89% and 69% cases); 86% of CTs are abnormal; lymphocytopenia was present in 83.2% of the patients; Most common treatments: intravenous antibiotic therapy (58%), oxygen therapy (41%), oseltamivir (36%), systemic glucocorticoids (19%). Mechanical ventilation applied to 6% of patients. Patients' median age 47 years, only 0.9% 15 years old or younger.
February 27, 2020 - First cases detected in Estonia, Denmark, and Nigeria. Iran's Vice President for Women and Family Affairs becomes the second officer in the country infected with COVID-19 Iran reaches 26 deaths. First case of unknown origin in the U.S. confirmed in California by the CDC. Dow Jones suffers its largest drop in history, near 1200 points. Schools in Japan to close nationwide until April.
February 26, 2020 - For the first time, since the outbreak of COVID-19 started, more new cases were reported today from countries outside of China than from China. 48 countries now affected, with Georgia, Greece, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan and Romania report their first cases. Concerns raise in the U.S. about the lack of preparedness for the outbreak and limited resources for testing against COVID-19. China issues recommendations to minimize the impact of the outbreak on Foreign-invested enterprises. Measures include encouraging local government to assist foreign-invested companies, support foreign employees and their families, and deepen use of online resources to communicate with foreign investors.
February 25, 2020 - Brazil confirms first case of COVID-19 in South America. Austria, Algeria, Croatia and Switzerland also report first cases. Italy and South Korea struggle with the outbreak. Hotel in the Canary Islands lockdown after guest from the Lombardy region tests positive. WHO provides an online course intended for health workers to help them identify, prevent, and control COVID-19. The bulk of transmission of COVID-19 is not through widespread community infection, but rather it occurs in household environments sharing space with infected individuals and during mass gatherings in indoors events.US stock market drops 3%.
February 24, 2020 - Stock markets plunge worldwide. Dow losses over 1000 points (3.6%), its major drop in two years. Moderna Therapeutics announces completion in 42 days of the manufacturing of the first batch of its COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Samples are shipped to the NIH to start trials in humans. Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, and Afghanistan report their first cases. Cases in S. Korea reach near 900 (9 deaths). Italy reports 231 cases (7 deaths), Iran 61 (12 deaths). WHO’s scientific delegation in China praises how the country has handled the outbreak: “most ambitious disease containment”. Codognno’s hospital in Northern Italy likely amplified the outbreak when first cases were misdiagnosed and biosafety precautions were not taken.
February 23, 2020 - Cases outside China keep growing at alarming rates and reach over 2200 (2.8% of global cases). New deaths in China jump to 150. Deaths in Iran reach 8 (near 20% fatality rate). The high number of deaths raises suspicions that many more cases of COVID-19 may be occurring in Iran. Venice carnival is canceled. South Korea declares highest alert over the coronavirus, cases reach 763.
February 22, 2020 - Fears of global pandemic continue to grow amid rising numbers of COVID-19 without links to China. South Korea (556 cases), Japan (135), Singapore (89), Iran (29), and Italy (79). The Italian outbreak is concentrated in the northern region of Lombardy, where the Italian government has mandated the isolation of about 50,000 persons in 11 municipalities. The South Korean city of Daegu (4th largest Korean city) is on lockdown with most businesses closed. Israel bans South Korean tourists. First case of COVID-19 in Iraq.
February 21, 2020 - South Korea cases of COVID-19 double overnight and surpasses 340. Most cases are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in the city of Daegu. In Iran 4 deaths and 18 cases are reported. Lebanon and Israel confirm their first cases. The toll of infected people in the Diamond Princess reaches 620, at a time where evacuation of passengers is ongoing. New cases in mainland China decrease. Infections outside the country have doubled in the last 5 days. Over 500 inmates infected at Hubei’s prisons. COVID-19 cases in Wuhan’s Women’s prison reach 230. The US stock markets slid for the second consecutive days amid ongoing coronavirus fears. A report in the Lancet by Chinese scientists describes the clinical courses of 52 severe cases of COVID-19. The median age of non-survivors is 65 years. Critical cases two times more likely in males than females.
February 20, 2020 - The Hubei provincial government announces to postpone the restart of businesses to March 11, 2020. Less than 200 children have suffered COVID-19 since the start of the outbreak, and usually with mostly mild symptoms. Younger people may display few symptoms when infected but still remaining highly contagious. The number of cases in mainland China has slowed down in the last 3 days. South Korea reports first death.
February 19, 2020 - 30 countries affected. Iran confirm its first cases of COVID-19 and 2 deaths. A new report shows the impact of the outbreak in global emissions of carbon, which have been reduced by six percent or 100 million metric tones. China's nitrogen dioxide was down 36 percent in the week following the Lunar New Year holidays. A small study in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that levels of virus in nasal swabs of COVID-19 patients peak earlier than in SARS infection occurred in the 2002-2003 outbreak. The study also confirms the presence of high levels of viral nucleic acid in individuals who never presented symptoms.
February 18, 2020 - Fatality rate estimated at 2.7% of symptomatic cases. 2000 deaths reached. Cases outside China reach 1,000. Russia bans all Chinese visitors. Sanofi announces it will work with HHS to develop coronavirus vaccine. Japan announces ill start trial for therapy against COVID-19 with HIV antiretroviral.
February 17, 2020 - 454 infections in the Diamond Princess cruise. Evacuation of passengers starts to Japan, Australia, Canada, US, Hong Kong. Of 328 Americans evacuated from the cruise, 14 have tested positive. Japan announces marathon will be restricted to only about 200 elite runners. China approves the first antiviral drug for COVID-19 favilavir, also known as favipiravir. WHO releases guidelines to manage ill travelers at points of entry and mass gatherings, including how to detect, interview, report and isolate suspected cases of COVID-19. Large study by the Chinese CDC (over 44,000 patients) is published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. About 81% of patients experience only mild symptoms, 14% had severe disease and about 5 percent had critical illness. Fatality rate estimated at 2.3% (2.8% for males, 1.7% for females). Eighty percent of deaths are in patients older than 60.
February 16, 2020 - Chinese study reports isolation of infectious 2019-nCoV from samples of stools of infected patients. The study suggests that in addition to contact with respiratory secretions, the virus may be also transmitted by the fecal-oral route.
February 15, 2020 - France reports the first death by COVID-19 in Europe. Cases outside China remain low. No hot spots of transmission have been identified yet, except for the cruise ship docked in Japan. Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan and South Korea have the highest number of cases outside China, with 218 infected patients combined (excluding 355 infected cases in the Diamond Princess ship). China's government allows companies involved in feed production and poultry to resume work to avoid disruptions in the supply of basic food products. China is running more than 80 clinical trials to test therapies against COVID-19. Ongoing trials cover from Chinese traditional medicine to small-molecules like remdesivir (Gilead), or repurposed HIV drugs (Abbvie’s pill Kaletra). Trials also evaluate administration of purified immunoglobulins from recovered patients. Scientists of the University of Texas at Austin and NIAID determine the three-dimensional structure of the novel coronavirus spike protein in the pre-fusion state.
February 14, 2020 - Death toll surpasses 1500. Health officials in Wuhan calls on residents recovered from the coronavirus to donate blood plasma to treat infected patients. Near 6,000 patients to date have been cured from infection with COVID-19. First case of coronavirus in Africa is confirmed in Egypt. Doctors in five U.S. cities ( Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Seattle) will begin testing patients with flu-like symptoms for the new coronavirus if they are found negative for influenza. Over 1700 health workers in Wuhan have been infected with the novel coronavirus. At least six of them have died.
February 13, 2020 - WHO creates a searchable database of publications on the novel coronavirus. The database already contains over 700 research manuscripts. The U.S. expresses deep concerns about the impact of transmission of COVID-19 in North Korea. Spokesperson states that the U.S. is prepared to help U.S. and international organizations contain the outbreak in North Korea. The Red Cross calls for an urgent exemption to sanctions on Pyongyang to help prevent a coronavirus outbreak. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms the 15th case of the coronavirus in the country.
?February 12, 2020 - 15,000 new infections added in a single day. The sharp increase in cases is attributed to changes on new criteria implemented by Chinese authorities to count patients with diagnoses of COVID-19 based on CT scans. Sources cite that the changes are implemented due to short supplies of specialized testing kits, which sometimes take days to get the results. United airlines suspends flights to mainland China and Hong Kong through April 24. Africa and Central and South America still remain free of COVID-19 infections. The toll of infected people in the ship Diamond Princess raises to 218. This single spot constitutes the larger focus of infections outside China. A small study published in the Lancet finds no evidence of intrauterine infection caused by vertical transmission of the novel coronavirus in women during late pregnancy.
February 11, 2020 - Cases outside of China reach 515. The situation worsens in Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, where more than half of the cases have been transmitted to people with no recent history to China. Following best practices for naming of new human infectious diseases, WHO names the disease COVID-19, short for “COrona VIrus Disease 2019.” The novel coronavirus is given the name: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, shortened to SARS-CoV-2. Cases of coronavirus in the Diamond Princess reach 175.
February 9, 2020 - An advance team of international experts led by the World Health Organization (WHO) leaves for Beijing to help investigate China's coronavirus epidemic. Japan cruise ship (Diamond Princess) reaches 135 infected persons, near 4% of the crew of 3622 still in the ship. Over 1,000 people have died. Containment is still effective and 99% of the infected patients are still in China.
February 8, 2020 - Over 800 deaths by 2019-nCoV exceed toll by SARS outbreak. China's top health authority issues orders for the swift cremation of the remains of coronavirus victims at facilities near the hospitals. First US citizen dies of coronavirus in Wuhan. Chinese government announces a temporary name for the illness caused by the coronavirus: N.C.P., for novel coronavirus pneumonia.
February 3 - Feb. 7, 2020 - Total numbers of reported cases continue doubling every 4 days. Over 3000 cases are reported in a single day. A study published in JAMA provides more clinical and epidemiological data on 138 patients. Most severe cases and deaths occur in the elderly. Fever, fatigue, dry cough, anorexia and myalgia are the most common symptoms. Chinese scientists report at a press conference that pangolins carry coronaviruses 99% similar to 2019-nCoV, and suggest that the ant-eating mammal may have been the source of the initial outbreak infecting humans. A publication in Lancet does not recommend treatment with corticosteroid in patients infected with 2019-nCoV. The report is in agreement with the current recommendations by W.H.O. First cases of infection reported in Belgium and Sweden. The economic effects of the coronavirus outbreak start to become evident. The supply chain of many major companies is affected, sale forecasts of global brands that heavily rely in the Chinese market are lowered, and tourism becomes affected in countries commonly visited by Chinese travelers. Oil prices keep lowering. Taiwan bans all international cruise ships. 61 people become infected in a cruise ship at Yokohama port off the coast of Japan. Gates foundation announces $100 million for coronavirus response to improve detection and treatment efforts, protect at-risk populations in Africa and South Asia, and accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics. On February 4th, the first death in Hong-Kong is reported in Japan, whereas Singapore reports person-to-person transmission of the virus. 57 million remain under quarantine in Chinese cities. A scientific publication in Cell Research reveals that remdesivir, an adenosine analogue with broad activity against RNA viruses, and chloroquine, a widely used anti-malarial drug, they both display antiviral activity in vitro against 2019-nCoV.
February 2, 2020 - The total number of reported cases is growing faster, doubling every 3 to 4 days. Yet, the majority of cases remain in China, where 98.9% of the infections have been reported. Cases outside China (185) continue to increase, but near of all of them were imported by travelers arriving from areas affected in China. Chinese stock markets plunge. China completes in 10 days the construction of a 1000-bed hospital in Wuhan.
February 1, 2020 - First nCoV patient outside of China dies in Philippines. Gilead supplies remdesivir to a small number of patients, including the first US infected person in Seattle. Australia and Philippines ban travelers from China. US prepares four military bases in California, Colorado and Texas to quarantine travelers from China.
January 31, 2020 - The Trump administration declares a public health emergency over the novel coronavirus, and suspends entry of foreign nationals who visited China in the last 2 weeks. Russia, Spain, Sweden and UK report first infections with 2019 nCoV. A study in The Lancet suggests that the extent of the outbreak may be underestimated by a factor of 35.
January 30, 2020 - WHO declares the outbreak a global emergency, as the virus spreads to 23 countries, over 9000 cases are confirmed, and person-to-person transmissions outside China are already reported in 4 countries, including the first person-to-person infection in the USA confirmed in Illinois by the CDC. Cases reported in Philippines, India and Italy for the first time. Russia closes its 2600 mile border with China, joining earlier actions by Mongolia and North Korea. Chinese scientists publish data on the first 425 cases: median age 59 years, mean incubation time 5.2 days, each patient on average spreading the disease to 2.2 other people, and the number of cases doubling every week.
January 29, 2020 - Over 2000 cases reported in China in the last 24h. The outbreak of nCoV is about to reach 8000 confirmed cases, exceeding in 30 days the total number of cases reported during the 2003 SARS epidemic. UAE and Finland confirm cases for the first time. Screening is extended to 20 US airports. Google closes its offices in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Starbucks closes 2000 stores in China. Many international companies restrict traveling to China. British Airways and United Airlines suspend flights to China, American Airlines suspended some flights. The New England Journal of Medicine reports the first case of person-to-person transmission in Vietnam. Cough and fever developed in this patient within 3 days of contact with his father, who had recently returned from China.
January 28, 2020 - Number of infections reported reaches over 5500. Mortality rate remains stable at 2-3% of symptomatic cases, as compared to 10% for SARS, and 34% for the MERS outbreak. US Dept. Health and Human Services (HHS) gives a press conference to address the concerns of the public about the coronavirus outbreak: No person-to-person cases in the US as of today; Vaccine under development by Moderna in collaboration with NIAID could enter clinical trials with humans (Phase I) in 3 months. US FDA announces key actions to develop coronavirus medical countermeasures, including access to “Emergency Use Authorizations” (EUA) to expedite development of diagnostics. FDA also announces the creation of a page to inform the public and developers about programs available. Hong Kong cuts transportation links with China. Johnson and Johnson initiates efforts for a coronavirus vaccine. First human-to human cases outside China reported in Germany and Japan. New England Journal of Medicine will make all articles related to the outbreak freely available.
January 27, 2020 - Number of infected people reaches over 4000, surpassing the total number of cases in the MERS coronavirus outbreak (initiated in Saudi Arabia in 2012). First cases in the African continent and Germany confirmed. Suspected cases are under study in Mexico, India, Russia and the United Kingdom. Global markets sink as concerns over the spread of the virus grows. Dow Jones index tumbles 450 points. Wuhan's mayor admits lack of transparency and delays in sharing information in the early dates of the outbreak. He offers to resign. He also states that up to 5 million people may have left Wuhan city before travel restrictions were imposed. China extends New Year holidays and postpones return to schools. Mongolia closes borders with China.
January 26, 2020 - Number of infected people reaches 2000 cases and over 50 deaths are reported. Fifth cases in the US reported, including first case in California. All US infections are travelers returning from Wuhan city. China bans the shipping and sale of wild animals and says it will quarantine breeding sites. Trade will be forbidden in markets, supermarkets, restaurants and online stores. HIV drug lopinavir in combination with ritonavir (Kaletra) is used by Chinese doctors to treat patients infected with coronavirus. Interferon alpha treatment (nebulized) is also recommended.
January 25, 2020 - Chinese New Year starts. China travel ban is extended to five more cities affecting over 55 million people. Hong Kong declares virus outbreak an emergency and closes schools.
January 24, 2020 - China locks down 14 cities home of near 35 million people. The Lancet reports 2019-nCoV can be transmitted person-to-person. The virus belongs to the betacoronaviruses, and it can be spread before the onset of flu like symptoms like fever. Common clinical symptoms, include a combination of fever, cough, generalized weakness, and dyspnea. Less common is diarrhea, sore throat, sputum, nasal congestion, headache, rhinorrhea, and chest pain. First symptoms can appear in 3 to 6 days after exposure, and dyspnea occurs at a median time of 8 days after contact with the infected source.
January 23, 2020 - US CDC raises travel alert to Level 3 (avoid non-essential traveling to Wuhan City area). Gilead biotechnology company announces discussions to test the broad activity antiviral remdesivir for treatment of the novel coronavirus. Chinese scientists demonstrate that 2019 nCoV utilizes the same entry receptor as SARS-CoV: the angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2)
January 22, 2020 - Chinese authorities close-off the city of Wuhan with flights and trains departing from the city temporarily canceled. Chinese scientists track the origin of the virus to a recombination event between bat and snake coronavirus. W.H.O. officers gathered for emergency meeting to evaluate the coronavirus outbreak (WHO will not declare an emergency in this meeting).
January 21, 2020 - First case reported in the United States in the state of Washington. US CDC activates its Emergency Response System. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), announces collaboration with Moderna therapeutics to develop an emergency vaccine against 2019-nCoV.
January 20, 2020 - China confirms human-to-human transmission. Third death is reported.
January 17, 2020 - CDC starts conducting screening of passengers at five US airports on flights (direct and connecting) from Wuhan City. Second death reported in Wuhan. US CDC develops a real time RT-PCR diagnostic kit for 2019-nCoV, to be made available to domestic and international partners through the International Reagent Resource (IRR) website.
January 13, 2020 - First case out of China reported in Thailand. US confirms 2019 nCoV sequences are uploaded to GenBank and GISAID.
January 11, 2020 - First known fatality, a 61-year old female, is reported by Chinese authorities.
January 10, 2020 - China shares genetic sequences of the novel coronavirus with the international community. Sequence is uploaded to virological.org
January 6, 2020 - US CDC issues Level 1 Travel notice
January 3, 2020 - Thailand starts screening passengers from Wuhan City
January 1, 2020 - US CDC identifies the Hunan seafood market as the possible center of the outbreak
December 31, 2019 - World Health Organization is alerted by Chinese authorities about an outbreak of pneumonia-like cases of unknown origin in the city of Wuhan (Hubei province) of 11 million people.
December 30, 2019 - The Wuhan municipal health Committee issues an urgent notice on the treatment of pneumonia of unknown cases
Countries and Territories affected
China, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chile, Czech Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, DR. Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Eslovenia, Estonia, Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Guinea, French Polynesia, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guinea (Equatorial), Greece, Guadaloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Martinique, Mauritania, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Northern Cyprus, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Rwanda, Russia, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Korea, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, U. K., United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, The Vatican, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zambia.
Other Important Sources or Updates on The Coronavirus Outbreak:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States
Real-Time monitoring of global cases by the Center for Systems Science of Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University
World Health Organization Coronavirus Outbreak page and WHO situations report page
W.H.O. clinical recommendations for suspected cases of nCoV infection
Health Commission of the People's Republic of China and Wuhan Municipal Health Commission (in Chinese)
Experienced Product Manager with an entrepreneurial spirit and hands-on technology expertise in both software and hardware, complemented by an MBA, seeking new challenges.
5 年Can we trust any numbers from China? What do you think a real multiplayer on data? 2x, 10x, 100x?
From Lab2Jab! Projects in BioAPI design/development/ production/technology/processing/up-downstreaming
5 年Using QR-scanner, just do it in WeChat and get access to online data. Or, in Telegram some groups like?https://t.me/ng_virus_report (in Russian, but easy to understand)
From Lab2Jab! Projects in BioAPI design/development/ production/technology/processing/up-downstreaming
5 年The mortality rate of 2019nKoV compared to previous SARS viruses (MERS, SARS) remains low - less than 3% (versus 35% and 10%). Just relax and enjoy news and waiting for new grants.
Dy. Managing Director & Member of Executive Board
5 年Thank you Juan Lama . Good effort.