Time for yourself

Time for yourself

I thought I had mastered my self care, and knew what that meant. My diet was great, my exersize routine consistent, even my morning and evening routines were dialled in and supporting me. Still.....something wasn't right. My mental and emotional bandwidth just wasn't there, and it showed up last year, a few times.

It is a common story for many of us as the years go by that our time gets used up more and more on things outside of ourselves. The never ending list of jobs to do around the house, the never ending complexity of our career pivots, changes or developments, and of course being there for the ones we love. It's not that we are not willing to commit to our selfcare, but maybe it just seems as though there isn't time.

The bad news is time flies.
The good news is you're the pilot.
Michael Altshuler

Is it true that you don't have time? Maybe you are making an assumption about how much time you actually need? Take self care for example. How often do you schedule, with true intention for self care, 5 minutes dedicated to YOU. To breath, to ask yourself - "What do I need right now in this moment?" 5 Minutes with no other thoughts or distractions, just peace and stillness with yourself.

As with any relationship, the more present we are, the stronger that bond is. When I started to realise this, I stopped making the excuse that I didn't have enough time for myself. Instead I made time for myself, even if that meant 5 minutes. Try it! Try sitting in stillness for 5 minutes, and count and you will realise how long you can make 5 minutes feel if you are the only priority. Now see how many 5 minute blocks you can schedule into your day. Most importantly ensuring those 5 minute blocks are sacred and dedicated only to you in that moment. Not only will you benefit by expanding your energy and sense of calm, but everyone around you will benefit too.

A few years ago I created a simple visualisation exercise for this that has helped me during these 5 minute blocks, it's called 'The Master Your' Busy Mind Audio Guide. My gift to you, try it - Access the audio guide.

Your Coach,



James R S Williams CHPC的更多文章

