Is Time Your Friend or Enemy?
Anthony Peluso
Real Estate Investor | Property Developer | Public Speaker | CEO | Author | Marketer | Wealth Creator | Family Man |
We’re constantly pushing ourselves each day and night, always busy at all times and at all costs. We’re always rushing from one thing to another. We live by the calendar and we are run by the clock. When we’re late (not on time) the consequences and penalties can even be disastrous. But is time a friend or foe?
We always feel like time is working against us. There's never enough of it and as a result we constantly tell ourselves "I don't have time".
Lets look at a completely different view point. What if time didn’t exist? Is that even possible? What is time anyway? The Oxford dictionary defines time as “The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.” But does time really exist? Don’t we just live in continuous moments of now? Another definition of time could be "How man agreed to measure motion or change in space."
The best decisions you have ever made in your life were instant. Bang! There was no time and no space. There was just now.
You just knew it was the right decision. Time did not exist. You went straight from thought to action with no time in between. Time is often said to be the devil in disguise for most people. It's used to take you out of the game by causing you to think. In fact for most people, the more time they add to a decision the worse they feel about themselves and the decision after. Why? Because most of us get into "thinking about it". In that split second, you knew what to do and you knew that it was the right thing to do. All you did after that was decide to think about it by adding time and then justify your thinking with the absolute need to be right about the decision you made. Then you’ll go about proving to yourself and others how right you were to think about it.
Here’s the problem though. Time allows us to think. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It depends. For the most part thinking is all reactive as we're looking at past experiences to make present time decisions and thus create present time experiences. What's the problem with that you may say? Too much thinking causes introversion and leads most people to a lower emotional state of beingness such as fear, anxiety, stress, worry, doom, anger, apathy etc. The fact is that thinking introverts you. It sends you into your head, back into the past where for most of us, the past experiences around things such money, relationships, trust, family, sex were not pleasant and usually contain some sort of pain or unpleasant emotion being experiences which we try to forget. So our present time decisions are made with these considerations at play. Why? because we introduced time into the equation. That moment of pause where our mind took over and the game of life was hijacked, albeit for a brief moment.
Have you ever had an amazing idea or realisation where you got so excited about what was possible, who you could be, what you could do and what you could acheive? That moment where your imagination was on steroids? Then you decide to think about it, or let time enter into the equation and bang … there goes that magic. The longer you take to act upon something the less it inspires you because you’ve done a great job of talking yourself out of it. That was 'time' that came between that initial thought and execution of that thought. The key is to always take time out of the equation by moving from thought to action without letting time get in the middle. This is what all the greatest minds in the world have understood and mastered.
I promise you the best decisions you’ve ever made were made where time was not involved. This was a particular part of your mind that instead of thinking, just “knew” this was right thing to do. It’s a level of knowingness that all of us have available to us. It’s not gut instinct or intuition. It’s a level of certainty and knowingness that always guides us to the right place. Why don’t we all use it more often you ask? Because we’ve been conditioned to “think” about everything. Certainty and knowingness do not live in think. Doubt and confusion is all that lives in thinking. When has too much thinking (too much time) ever lead you to make a great decision. In most cases, we let time get in the way and regret the fact we didn't act sooner.
So if thinking is what introverts us, what is it that extroverts us? Now here's the gold. Looking or observing. When you look, you put your attention away from you and towards the physical universe. This is where time can be your friend and be used as an effective tool. The reactive part of your mind is not in operation at that moment when you're observing. You’re able to look at what actually is. You’re able to observe what exists in the present . You’re able to arrive at decisions and come to conclusions based on facts, data and information that sits in front of you. This is how one extroverts themselves. It’s simply putting one in present time or in the now.
This has led me to the realisation that time can be more of an enemy than a friend if it leads to too much thinking. Most people don’t know what to do with time anyway. The more time they have the more they get themselves into trouble by thinking too much, getting sick, causing accidents, or they start to attack and target people that are more productive. With too much time, most of us default to the TV screen, the couch, or the smartphone for hours and sometimes days on end. People with too much time also see problems much bigger than what they actually are because thinking once again is used to evaluate the problem. Have you ever noticed that when a person retires from the workforce, they deteriorate and go down hill usually quite fast? Financial institutions understand this more than you know and more than they’ll admit. Banks know that the average life expectancy of people is around 78 years of age and hence don’t gamble with giving you a home loan that you can’t pay back whilst still employed. I always say, if you want to live longer, stay working or at least very productive.
What’s the difference between the productive worker and the unemployed and unproductive? Time. The productive worker, husband, father doesn't use time to think, but instead keeps himself busy in present time. He looks at what's in front of him, observes what is real and comes to conclusions without the need to think about anything. Most people confuse looking with thinking. You actually cannot be looking and thinking at the same time without taking your attention off one whilst doing the other.
Alternatively, the unemployed, the recipients of welfare and the unproductive housemate have plenty of time on their hands and therefore plenty of 'thinking' to do. They usually become a burden to society and funnily enough are always tired from not doing very much. Have a look around you and see if you can spot these people. How are they doing with all this time on their hands? They use this time to do too much thinking and end up in trouble sooner or later. Based on my observations, stay away from anyone that is unemployed or has too much time on their hands. Sooner or later, you will become their target.
Productive and effective people use every waking moment working towards a worthwhile goal. This is why the more they get done, the happier they are. They understand that production is the basis of morale and not the other way around. They always produce more than they consume (the western world sadly has this the other way around). The more you put on their plate, the more they accomplish. They’ve understood that time is nothing more than a consideration and all that there is are continuous moments of now. They’ve learnt to create time using leverage by employing others around them so that they (or a representation of themselves) can be everywhere at the same time and they can get more done. Productive people are seldom in trouble or ill and don’t have room for small talk, scandals or drama. They rarely watch TV or drown themselves in worthless social media browsing, but instead either read or stay in motion and action by engaging in spirited adventures with enthusiasm and gamesmanship.
They’re always doing well across the areas of life that actually matter (i.e individually, with their families, with their companies, helping mankind do bigger and better things and so on). They have all of their life handled because they’ve learnt to be very productive and very effective with their time. No valuable area of their life is ever short changed. Instead of using their time to think and be unproductive, they use their time to create and be productive by engaging in the game of life, observing at what is and making decisions based on observation and not thinking. Too much time causes too much thinking which causes introversion and usually forces you to hold back in most areas of life.
The game of life isn’t played in your head through introversion and thinking. The game of life is played through extroversion and observation. It’s played out there. It’s played away from you. Make time your friend and not your enemy.
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To Your Success
Anthony Peluso
Anthony Peluso is the Founder of Wealth For Life, online best selling author, real estate investor, developer, sales and marketing expert, husband and father and teacher to thousands. He’s successfully built a Multi-Million Dollar property portfolio and has purchased, developed, renovated, built, project managed and marketed over 12,000 properties in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane Australia for himself and clients worth over $1.3 Billion. He’s considered the “expert” in property investing and sometimes charges in excess of $10,000 per hour for personal “one on one” coaching. When people want make money, he’s the go to guy. His clients have made up to $300k in 14 months. He resides in Melbourne, Victoria with his wife, Lisa-Marie and their three daughters.
Steve H
5 年Well said Anthony. Thinking back personally, there have been moments when too much though had gone in, however patience is also a virtue.