Time for What Matters

Time for What Matters

3:45AM Growingfree SimpleLife Musings

Thinking About Sustainability, Gardens, Garlic, CutFlowers, Chickens & Such,..............

Planted some MicroGreens today, the seeds are older, so we shall see how they germinate,...........

Mostly though, Having the TIME to be Sustainable,

The Time to Do Important Things,

The Time to Write & Read & Study

The Courage, To push aside others chatter of this LifeStyle,.....

FEAR is the dungeon of the mind into which it hides and seeks seclusion.

“Listen-whatever it is that makes you wake up, whatever it is that makes you feel a moment of peace or a glimmer of hope, just keep it close. Please, live for it. Make sure that you focus on it. Make sure that you make time for it. I don't care what it is.

You have to understand that happiness does not have to be this big all-consuming thing. Sometimes happiness is your morning cup of coffee. Sometimes it is the smell in the street after it rains, or your favorite song played on repeat for three hours straight. Sometimes happiness is your friend's laughter or the way the sky looks through the trees in your favorite park.

If it keeps you going, if it ignited something within you, it doesn't matter how small or grand it is. Just hold on to it. Let it save you.” ~Bianca Sparacino

“If there’s one thing we all need to stop doing, it’s waiting around for someone else to show up and change our lives. Just be the person you’ve been waiting for. Live your life as if you are the love of it. Because that’s the only thing you know for sure – that through every triumph, every failure, every fear and every gain that you will ever experience until the day you die, you are going to be present. You are going to be the person who shows up to accept your rewards. You are going to be the person who holds your own hand when you’re broken.

You are going to be the person who gets yourself up off the floor every time you get knocked down and if those things are not love-of-your-life qualities, I don’t know what are.” ~Heidi Priebe

“I know, you never intended to be in this world.

But you’re in it all the same.

So why not get started immediately.

I mean, belonging to it.

There is so much to admire, to weep over.

And to write music or poems about.

Bless the feet that take you to and fro.

Bless the eyes and the listening ears.

Bless the tongue, the marvel of taste.

Bless touching.

You could live a hundred years, it’s happened.

Or not.

I am speaking from the fortunate platform

of many years,

none of which, I think, I ever wasted.

Do you need a prod?

Do you need a little darkness to get you going?

Let me be as urgent as a knife, then,

and remind you of Keats,

so single of purpose and thinking, for a while,

he had a lifetime.” ~Mary Oliver

No-Vember, a natural time to shed People, Places & Things that aren't working in Our Life's Journey.

BreakFREE From the Pack Of Work, Work, Work,

As The Drug of Choice to Numb-Up

Specialized Coaching & Counseling for Female Entrepreneurs

**Hire Eric for One on One Coaching

**Help with Your Transition

**Help with Having a GrowingFREE SimpleLife


-Photo Eric Brown (Author)


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