Time Well Spent
Robert DeVivo
Systems & Business Consultant | IT Project Management | Business Analysis | Digital Transformation | IT Change Management | Personal Development
Time cannot be saved - it can only be spent. That being the case; how do you decide to spend your time? The reality is that time passes by quickly. And, that's the case no matter what you do with your time. So, you have to decide to spend your time to your best advantage; thus, "time well spent."
First and foremost is to determine where to spend your time. You want to focus on those tasks where you derive the most value. Those are the tasks that help you move closer to your goals. Although that's true - most of us gravitate toward those things that don't add much value.
You are always free to choose how you spend your time. You are in control. You are in the driver's seat. And, you are the architect of your own destiny. You are the one who decides to spend your time on high-value activities or low-value activities. The sum of your choices will have a direct effect on your life today and tomorrow. Wow! Heavy stuff!
So, how do we discipline ourselves to ensure that our time is well-spent? The first thing is to begin to appreciate that you have a good amount of time to work with - yes, a fresh 24 hours every day!
So, let's start with your job. What can you do in your job to derive the most benefit? Here are two words on which to ponder: focus and concentration. Your ability to focus clearly on your highest priorities, and to concentrate single-mindedly on them until they are complete, will determine how much you achieve more than any other qualities you can develop.
Regardless of other attributes, you will continually lose out if you can't focus and concentrate on your highest priorities throughout your working day. The ability to set clear priorities, and to do that intelligently is the "key" to success.
Thus, once you've decided to focus and concentrate on the tasks that make a difference - you are on your way to becoming more productive. And, the first task that you need to focus your concentrated attention is to make a list of your tasks and activities before you begin doing anything else.
The very act of working from a list will increase your productivity many times over. And, this will happen the very first time you do it! Now, there are several kinds of lists, but the first, and the one that will eventually propel you toward that which we aspire; namely, "time well spent," is to make a master list.
Your master list is everything that you can think of that you want to do in the foreseeable future. And, as something new comes up, you jot it down on your master list so that you don't forget it. Your list will, over a period of time, contain lots of tasks and activities. That's good!
Next, you need to take a "hard look" at your list and ensure that the tasks and activities that you've written on the list are worthwhile - in effect will lead to "time well-spent." After having done this you now decide on which items on the list should take precedence over the others - you "prioritize" your list. You don't have to place all of them in a strict priority order, no, just a small portion that will have your focus and concentration over the next week or two.
And, there you go - you're well on your way to using your time more efficiently. Think of this as "the beginning" of what you're doing to ensure that your time is well-spent.
Generating a list, your master list, of tasks and activities and at the same time focusing and concentrating on the items on your master list, will start you on your way to accomplish things you never thought possible.