Is it time to wake up?
Tess Cope ??
?? Helping Leaders & Exec Teams Level Up - On a mission to help you positively impact the working lives of your people because - Great People & Healthy Systems = Exceptional Results!!
I know how to be busy, being busy! And whilst that can be a productive (and often satisfying) way of being – it’s not always our most energising and life affirming.
Over the past few years, I’d been experiencing a consistency of messages and gentle nudges coming to me (from lots of sources) and frankly, I pretty much ignored them. I was getting on with getting on and wasn’t ready or open to truly exploring them. After all, life was pretty good, I was enjoying myself and I knew I was doing great work with the clients I was working with.
My Wake-Up Call
From a systemic perspective, I now realise I was being unconsciously loyal to something/someone else that held me in the current ‘place’ and this loyalty needed to be released at it’s origin.
But there were a couple of significant moments that helped me to crystalise the need to STOP and LISTEN to my upcoming future and the evolutionary force that was trying to reach me – trying to come through me. The first of these moments was on a Systemic Horse Coaching training in The Netherlands, with Ruud Knaapen.
On one of our morning check ins, when we were sitting in silence – there was a chorus of cockrels that just started beside us. They would not stop crowing – at first it was a bit amusing but when it went on for what felt like 10 mins, it absolutely grabbed my attention. I couldn’t ignore them.
I realised that the message was for me was: ‘It’s time to wake up’. I was in a period of my work where I knew I was ready for more, I was being asked to get clear on my highest purpose, to bring more of me and all of my potential forward. This threshold of stepping into our full potential reminds me of the provocative quote from Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around youâ€.
Are You Ready To Hear The Message?
One of the lessons, with the benefit of hindsight, is that we need to be in a state where we can take in and fully ‘digest’ the messages. Sometimes we need a disruptive force (‘The Wake Up Call’) to break through the communication channel – to enable us to hear it. It can certainly help to have someone support us through the process, to uncover and release those unconscious patterns that we’re stuck in, without realising it.
I’m passionate about enabling clients to rediscover their flow, to discern their higher purpose, to enable the evolutionary force to reach them and to then step into their highest potential.
If it’s time for you to ‘Wake Up’ to your highest potential, and you’d like to hear more about this approach, please do get in touch.
In the meantime, check out our Executive Coaching service, or create some space for yourself at our forthcoming retreat in the expanse and stillness of the Jordanian Desert -> details here.