Time to Wake Up America
Diversity Inclusion Equity Group
Helping organizations and individuals to celebrate everyone's contributions.
Have you heard the story about the frog that died by being boiled to death? To be concise, if you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out to save itself. But, if you put a frog in cool water and gradually turn up the heat to a boil that same frog will sit in that pot and die.
Today America is in the process of becoming that second frog regarding losing our democracy, eviscerating our Constitution, and dismissing the rule of law.
Does our country have issues that are frustrating to its citizens?
With immigration, inflation, gun violence, police reform, and the wealth gap, some of our citizens feel the country no longer is the America they once knew, and their pleas for help not have been heard and much more.
Fertile ground for a charismatic, self-assured, determined, yet unprincipled, void of integrity, and bombastic narcissistic snake oil salesman to capitalize on those fears for his glory versus helping our nation, rise above our challenges.
In his own words, daily he tells you how he is going to "rule" America if he is elected. It will be one of the great "revenge and retribution" tours ever seen in global history. Or will it?
He has a road map to make this happen. Hiler, Mussolini, Kim Jung Un, Xi in China, and Putin to name a few (most of whom he deeply admires) have used a similar roadmap to gain and hold onto power with an an iron fist.
.Some of our citizens have been brainwashed, into believing his lies. Some have been waiting covertly for someone, anyone, to become their champion to "take their country back" (keyword "take").
Many of our citizens have succumbed to the machine gun-like lies and disinformation that are spread minute-by-minute. They sadly believe what's being told to them because they believe what is being told to them is factual.
Many of our citizens will not believe the factual truth for many reasons no matter what. For others who still have somewhat of an open mind, this is whom I am writing this article for.
There is a strategy and playbook for what is being said, how it is being said, and where it is being said.
That strategy and playbook were written by Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister
Take a moment and read through them and think about what has been said over the last few years.
Propaganda - Goebbels' Principles
Joseph Goebbels
Dr. Joseph Goebbels, besides being an intriguing character, was the Propaganda Minister for Hitler's Third Reich. He was recognized as a master of propaganda as his work was studied after WWII. Goebbels did not survive to enjoy the recognition; he and his wife committed suicide on 1 May 1945, a week before the final collapse of the Third Reich.
After the war, US personnel discovered a very large diary dictated by Goebbels. In it are his principles of propaganda. Leonard Doob's 1950 article details them from a translation of the diary by Louis Lochner (1948).
Hitler's Basic Principles
These principles are abstracted from Jowett & O'Donnell.
Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda
When reading these propaganda principles, keep in mind that they were applied in wartime (WWII) and involve issues that don't arise otherwise. It's a long list, but Goebbels was dealing with the complexity of an all-out war. While reading them you may realize that some of the principles are generally applicable and not limited to wartime. Some might be quite familiar today. It is interesting to note that Goebbels' principles derive from Hitler's own ideas of propaganda.
These would be principles guiding the conduct of propaganda operations.
As you read through this shortened version of these principles did you recognize some of the bullet points being utilized today?
I am sure you did.....
As Malcolm X once told a crowd "You have been bamboozled, hoodwinked, led astray, run amuck, and flat-out deceived."
None of what is being told to you will give you a better life long term. You might want them to go after someone you think is negatively impacting your life. How long will it be before they come for YOU?
In closing, please be an educated and informed voter. DO YOUR HOMEWORK ON EACH CANDIDATE ON YOUR BALLOT!
"DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!" - Public Enemy
Our democracy hangs in the balance.
As imperfect as it is, it has been and still is the greatest source of progress, growth, and success in the history of our planet!