A Time of Vulnerability
Elizabeth Barry
Lead Coaching and Communications Consultant at Emerald One | Certified Executive Coach | Author | Motivational Speaker
The tears that rolled down my face didn't end for over two months and still fall to date. It was I who had to swim in my own body of work and now we are all in the ocean together. I’m sharing this message vulnerably, as I sat in bed last night preparing my upcoming vulnerability books both for women and for men.
You see, this January, before this global crisis began, I had my very own challenge. I was in a tragic hit and run accident and lost my life partner just 3 days after New Years Eve. I spent months at doctors offices and spent a majority of my time on my couch and in bed writing away at my latest book, Design Your Mind to be Kind. The only solace I had to take my mind off of what I experienced was the writing- it soothed my soul. It was the only thing I wanted to do. I know that many of you are facing fears right now and I beg of you to look towards your inner creativity to do the same. It is very cathartic. It can heal you.
The pure emotion felt through my eyes when I saw my partner's breath taken, took my own breath away. My voice was unable to be found. I struggled with the inability to speak for two months. Today, that emotion is being poured out like paint as I dip my brush in and cover the walls of many books to come- based on positivity and loving kindness.
For anyone that is going through pain or loss right now, fear or emotional instability- I stand with you. For those who have lost someone because of this virus, I stand with you and ask you to tap into your creativity and let your spirit speak for you if your voice is unable to have a sound.
Any type of painting, drawing or writing may help you calm yourself and your thoughts and perhaps turn into something that you can marvel at in a time in the future. There's purpose in pain, follow it. You will get through this, I promise you that.
As I gained strength and composure to finally get my voice again, the entire world fell apart. A double whammy! And now, not only did I see my partner lose his life in front of my eyes, hundreds of thousands of people are doing the same. I now cry for all of us.
I sat up writing last night about vulnerability and charted my journey on the upcoming books, not to mention, having already finished the first edit of Heaven on Eleven, a book that inspires the world to love smarter, wiser and in the moment, at any age and at any point in their lives, I thought about how vulnerable we all are.
I thought about my message of kindness and how I keep writing no matter what. Resilience, strength, inner-courage, support, willpower and love are direly needed by all of us right now to continue on. That's the key phrase, keep going. Continue on. Kindly, gently, thoughtfully.
I launched my book, even in the lockdown, because my heart told me to do so. I had to share my words with the world, for all of us to heal.
I thought about the next book that inspires people to love whole-heartedly no matter if they are in a relationship or looking for it. Those who are in relationships can be motivated to do things differently when it comes to love, and those who are on the search for it can be empowered that it's coming and love is in fact, looking for them too. Now is always the time, you see, time waits for no one.
The next two books focus on how women and men can own their vulnerability, becoming less of a stranger to habits, weakness and mistakes and more of a courageous sage when it comes to hurdling through them.
I know why I was saved. I know that my purpose is to continue writing. I didn't leave this earth when I was hit tragically, and although I received a damn good wack in the neck and head that travels down the right side of my body, I am here, dammit. I am certain that I was saved to write, to speak, to coach people to their greatness, to gift and inspire the world and to someday find love again.
The very words I share are a gift to people who are searching for their best selves. The very messages I write and coach about kindness, compassion, love, vulnerability, devotion and going beyond ego are the greatest tools of humanity because they are the glue that brings us all together and they raise our vibration and positivity.
Perhaps all of this is divine timing for nature to wake us up, as my work embodies her very sounds and sights. Whatever this may be, or whatever the story that's unfolding for us all right now, it is 100% aligned with resilience, vulnerability, kindness and love.
I was tragically hurt, but miraculously not taken. I believe the heavens said, “Let’s not take her yet, she has a job to do.” And I look back up at you heaven and I say, “Thank you. I’m on it.”
With the world in crisis, I send my love to everyone who is losing someone. I know the depths of the pain and I ask you to rise with me, resilient, strong and courageous knowing that you can move forward kindly and gently with yourself, on your own time.
You will get through any financial burden. Don't let anything or anyone rattle you for your heart must be protected and your energy deserves loving kindness. I believe now that my love was taken so that he can help all the new angels into heaven from this virus. He was the kindest communicator, and if you've lost someone, there's a better place for all of them right now and they are happy and safe.
We are all united by kindness electricity- you are not alone wherever you are, or whatever you are feeling- kindness and love, vulnerability and courage will guide us all through the same oceans and although we may be apart, our souls are connected by the waters of compassion.
Thank you to everyone who is contributing to the writing via Go Fund Me.
I thank everyone who continues to purchase Design Your Mind to be Kind and The Kind Communicator, two volumes on The Kindness Innovation. See them here for a signed copy.
And for everyone who is on this journey with me, here’s a glimpse of what’s coming next…
Heaven on Eleven, launching August 2020 (This book will encourage everyone who has loved, lost a love, and for those who keep loving strong to share their stories in a global love note.)
Own Your Vulnerability and Sensuality- The most empowering book of it's time for leading women of the world- written for power women across the globe.
AND The Men’s Vulnerability Movement, written to inspire men to show more of their greatness courageously, launching with the women's book, together Winter 2021.
Gratitude is everything. As you're all focused on wearing a mask or gloves, don't forget that gratitude should be worn at all times, in crisis and in not.
Thank you.
Learning how to speak and act in new ways as an adult can be aspirational, yet challenging. Elizabeth Barry is an inspirational speaker, business coach and author that helps career driven professionals develop a kinder demeanor, especially when faced with stress. Her methodologies are practical and her zest for life is contagious. Gain self belief and become an influence to everyone around you, including yourself. The courage that lives behind your fear is the bravery you never knew you had- until it arrives. Challenge habits, create boundaries, and nurture relationships as you learn to surrender to what is… and become who you wish to be.