Time To Turn The Page….Cosmic Event Transforms America's Future
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
It is time to put the division of the past behind us
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? President Donald Trump
…a cosmic event which defied all the laws of nature
Something two hundred years from now will be the source of legend and wonder in the annals of Americana
Truly mystical with a soteriological image that harkens back to the Pascha Resurrection Service that Orthodox Christians celebrate at midnight that proceeds to the break of dawn ?
-- Yes a very long service indeed
The sadness of the Myrrh Bearing Women that came to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus
.,..the empty sepulcher further heighted their sorrow
…the Angel- announced his Glorious Resurrection
Not much is spoken about in Western Christianity what the Lord did during the three days between his entombment and appearance to the Apostles
In our tradition we believe he descended to the depths of Hell
….in the image and likeness of our humanity
Death thought it had contained a mere man
Yet in an exponential cosmic event the Lord burst the Gates of Hades asunder ?
…as the icon depicts reaching with both his arms to raise the Old Testament righteous prophets and all of humanity to a new destiny of salvation
Littered around them are the broken chains and locks of humanities Oppression
The analogy to the present events relates just how consequential what occurred yesterday
Trumps Victory impacted every human being on the planet
The Scripture says
….they despised me without a cause---they hated me because they hated you
As harsh as they may sound it tells the sad story that we have all lived these past sixteen years since Obama became president
WOKE philosophy that disregards the soteriology of forgiveness but instead engaged in collective acts of endless retribution
…WOKEISM who unnaturally portrays humanity as transfixed in a static condition without the self-determination of improvement unable to achieve redemption
It reminds me of Dante in his Divine Comedy
…he speaks of humanity in the concentric circles of constant ascent
..round and round in a process to become more perfected to our divine image
Today the tens of millions of injustices find their collective repudiation by the collection of ethnic tribes woven together in the American Family
Today WOKEISM just like Communism finds itself on the ash heap of History
At the Resurrection Liturgy they read a sermon written fifteen hundred years ago
?…in which they pronounce all the malaise inflicted upon humanity by the Evil One
The congregants collectively respond to each one the pronouncements in a loud voice
….—it is destroyed – it is destroyed
Over and over again---- just like Dante’s circular motion
…humanity frees themselves from the power of darkness
Embracing the love of Light and Salvation
Today is a moment of self-liberation for hundreds of millions in America
…who walk down the street today with an extra spring in their step
The Collective Goodness of the many have displaced their oppressors bonds upon them
..the Psalmist wrote
He has shaken the mighty from their seat
Exulted the humble and the meek
He has filled the empty with good things
The rich he hath sent empty away
One can only imagine the disbelief of the Elites who have cast their entire lot into this now failed venture
Yesterday was not a rejection of Kamala who was thrusted into an untenable situation that she was not ready to be able to accomplish
I admire her …as a most loyal team player – stepped up with no chance of ever winning under the circumstance
Yesterday was a collective repudiation of
Obama Hegemony --- Time to Turn the Page on Barak & Michelle – Bye/Bye
WOKE – Cancel Culture- DEI ?– rejected by all tribes in the American Family
Bicoastal Elites —Oprah- David Muir- Jaylo- The View- Legacy Media
Biden Crime Family- DOJ-FBI- CIA - Merit Garland- Lawfare- Fani- Letitia
Dictator Zelensky – Euro Neocons- American Military Industrial Complex
Yet the greatest loser yesterday
The Administrative State that fought with all its might to derail this Populist Movement
The battle is won but the hardest portion now begins
Deconstructing the behemoth Deep State
Trump needs to hold one measure beyond all others in qualifying his team members
Loyalty committed to Righteous Restoration of American Civilization
The Day of Reckoning has arrived
…just like the Gates of Hades were burst asunder
The acts -crimes against the American People now find their day of justice
Yet the righteous do not follow the same behavior of their oppressors as this would make us no better than them
Now the time to beat the swords into plowshare and seek to find the Common Ground of all people of goodwill to come the table
Now is the time for forgiveness and reconciliation
Now is the time to recommit to our higher principles
Now is the time of the Restoration of American Civilization
Now is the time to raise up the Standard of American Global Leadership
Now is the time to strengthen our allies and partners
Now is the time to cast fear into the hearts of our adversaries – We’re Back!
Most importantly now is the time to turn away from division and become a change agent of improvement
Mother Teresa said
Committing small acts with great love
In that moment we have come full circle to begin hand in hand a new Golden Age in American Society
Π?? μπορε?? να γ?νει? καλ?τερο? αν δεν γ?νει? πρ?τα καλ?τερο? ο ?διο??
How can you become better Unless you first become better yourself?
So.. this Populist Revolution finds its successful fruition in the changing of all our hearts
…casting aside all bitterness
…embracing the Better Angel that dwell in each of us
…exhibiting self-discipline and moderation
..becoming the Adults in the Room
We have a monumental task ahead in which we need to reverse our downward trajectory of the pervious four years
Everything is a matter of energy and how we choose to productively use it
You will find as you change your View-Intentions-Actions
….your wellness will greatly improve
The greatest challenge is the collective mental unwellness we have allowed into the American Psyche
..masking it with drugs and self-medication
In the change of our hearts and intentions there comes a higher energy that heals mind, body and soul
You may doubt my words
…you will see as we all push the wagon together
…life will improve collectively
…the constraining darkness will give way to light
These successes will unite us as they are the ascending spirit that have been the transformative essence of humanity
So take the Victory Lap Today
Back to the hard work before us Tomorrow