Time Traveler
??????????????????????????????????????????????? My times are in your hands.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Psalm 31:15 NIV
I am the Timeless God—holiness to cancel yesterday’s sins.
????My grace transforms your down-on-yourself guilt into upbeat gladness.
????I have not rejected you—I have given you Christ’s righteousness.
????You are a sinner by nature—you do not deserve or merit My love.
????My Son is perfect—He did not deserve what happened to Him at Calvary.
????Like Barabbas, it should have been you; instead, you are free.
????I am your forgiveness.
I am the Enough God—Hiding Place to calm today’s sorrows.
????I shelter you from accusing tongues, sustain you through distress,
?????????and save you from the addictive power of sin.
????I am your Time-out from the rat race and Anchor on high seas.
????When your daily schedule gets crazy and hectic, take a deep breath—
?????????breathe out worry about possibilities, breathe in worship;
?????????breathe out fear of contingencies; breathe in faith in My power.
????I am your Fortress.
I am the Unchanging God—hope to celebrate tomorrow’s surprises.
????In all the universe, I alone will always be who I have always been.
????I made promises I intend to keep—My faithfulness will not fail.
????Anticipate the ultimate fulfillment of My perfect plan—
?????????believe the overcast unknown will brighten in My time.
????Whatever change comes your way, rest assured I will keep My word.
????For the time being, rely on Me to lead you in honorable paths,
?????????rescue you from the evil one’s malicious strategies,
?????????and reinforce you to bravely move ahead.
????In your darkest times, keep believing in Light beyond light—
?????????follow your Guide across the fearful ravine to Tranquility Meadow.
????I am your future.
Count on My unchanging love to absolve your embarrassing past,
????accompany you on your present journey, and guarantee your heavenly home. ?Place yesterday, today and tomorrow in My hands—
????then you can enjoy the time of your life!
? Pastor Johnny R. Almond ????????????????????Day 204, Gentle Whispers from Eternity