Please make sure you are register to vote and VOTE in the November 2018 Mid Term Elections -We must be vigilant and know that there are powers and forces in play, some are natural, and others are possibly spiritual forces that want to control and take away or limit your individual right and privilege to make your stand and position regarding civil matters that impact you and your children. There are many social conflicts going about, and the ordinary citizens are waking up. They are again looking around at all of the talking heads who are talking but are not doing anything because they are in compromising positions. It has been said, what you compromise to get you must compromise to keep. It is happening right before our eyes.
U S Citizen’s please be advised that there are unscrupulous and dishonest men and women who are inventing and developing strategies to stop and prevent ordinary citizens from voting in the November 2018 Mid Term Elections. If you have never voted and still have the right to vote you are not using your freedom wisely. When you choose not to vote you show a strong disregard for freedom and you have decided to become or remain a slave and servant to those who want to control your life and the lives of your children