Time to Take Gen Z. Seriously.
What’s Generation Z all about?
Defined as born after 1995, Gen Zs are the most connected segment. We’ve watched their unique behaviour and marvelled at their mobile engagement. Largely TV blind; radios, stereos and PCs gathering dust, Gen Zs mobile obsession is truly momentous, providing Right Here, Right Now engagement. Instant gratification. Immediate reward. 'Always-on' wifi is essential to power the buzz which courses through their Samsung’s and iPhones.
Their aim is hero-posting. First to upload. First to market. First-to-have, must-have brand shopping delivered at lightning speed. A ‘Now’ culture that One-hour/same day delivery windows become the expectation. And whilst Baby Boomers, Millennials & Generation Ys trawl review sites for go-to products and experiences, Gen Z’s P2P social proofing outshines every recommendation.
As for the numbers…
I love these facts from Rachel Arthur at SXSW. (Thank you Rachel):
- Mobile: As digital natives, Gen Zs are twice as likely to shop on Mobiles. They trust these devices they've grown up with. And they are never far away.
- YouTube is the new TV. Be there or be nowhere. That’s why Google bought YouTube...
- Email is history. Ask a Gen Z "Get my email?”...“Uh?”
- Attention span is just 8-secs versus 12 for Millennials. Grab their attention or lose ‘em.
- Privacy is key. Ever tried to look at a Gen Z’s phone? Engage through app push notifications and private forums. Get them on their channel. Don’t go traditional, they just don’t see it.
How do you win over Gen Z?
Observe. You can try and ask but its unlikely they'll spill the beans. Probably because they can’t explain their behaviour either. Get in amongst them. Figure out what’s going on in Gen Zs eco-system and you may just get a glimpse what is the driver.
Make sure your brand is mobile device savvy. Nurture their mobile attention (or someone else will.) You’ll need to work hard, so hard at curating and sharing the right content. Emphasise the visual. Print is history. Baby Boomers keeping up with the Jones has been replaced with #FOMO inspired by the immediacy that is SnapChat and Instagram. Their combined monetisation will be massive.
More so than any other market segment, Gen Z’s are the future and they’re already so well connected in their own unique eco-system. Its just so natural. Get the Gen Z-eds wrong and you’re history. Get it right and it’ll be your making.