Is it time to take it back to business basics?
Andrew Wallis
Chaos Fixer for Wellness Founders | Fitness Founder | Creator of Fitness Marketing Playbooks
If you are struggling to grow your business then perhaps it's time to take it back to business basics.
Time waits for no-one and things aren’t any different in business.
Big businesses in all industries are moving towards change or extinction.
I think you’ll find that there is perhaps no better time than now to take some time out from working IN your business and invest that time to review and work ON your business.
And part of that review should be to consider taking your business back to business basics.
Most small business owners don't consider themselves very innovative, instead tending to watch what others in the industry are doing and then follow a similar path.
This is disappointing because if they just invested some time actually reviewing their business and taking time to actually think, then I know many of us can tap into our creative side., generating some exciting new ideas that given time to test out and measure the results will bring some exciting feedback.
This will result in generating some exciting new ideas that given time to test out and measure the results will bring some exciting feedback.
In my experience, what really works when generating new ideas in business is sticking with basics, then combining existing "assets" or resources into new products, services or niches.
Here are six suggestions to get you thinking, moving and looking in different directions for ideas you can apply to your own business:
Back To Business Basics Tip #1:
Hire faster than you think you need to.
As a small business owner, it can be difficult to let go of things getting done “your way” and delegating responsibility to others.
After all, you can get the job done quicker than it takes to tell someone how to do it.
Plus, things might not be completed to your standards, and quality could suffer. But trying to do everything yourself is a sure path to continued frustration and one nail in your business’s coffin.
As the leader; the visionary of your business, your skills are needed to run the business, and you can’t do that while you’re focused on all the nitty-gritty details.
Hire employees to take care of the small stuff, train them to do their jobs well, and commit yourself to what really matters.
To create the success, you desire (and deserve), you should concentrate your efforts on supporting and developing your team.
In doing so, you will create a strong bond with your team and this will create an inspiring environment that empowers your team and wows your clients who love the vibe and energy radiating from your facility.
And don’t be fearful that you will train your staff and they will then leave with your clients.
Instead, take heed of Richard Branson...
“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to.”
Back To Business Basics Tip #2:
Cut the distractions and focus on the core services you provide.
In the early days of my fitness business, I moved so slowly and wasn’t ready to release a new program or service until I felt it was perfect.
Does that sound familiar?
I, therefore, had to go back to business basics.
It was only when I looked outside of the fitness industry at businesses such as Apple or Samsung who launch version 1 of their new product when it is 80-90% ready and then continue to improve it in readiness for the launch of version 2 etc.
Now, as a business coach, I see this problem time and time again.
So many business owners believe they have to have every aspect of their business perfect—from their business cards, to their website, to their logo, to their social media accounts.
What they don’t realize is that this is actually a massive distraction from their actual product.
Focusing on how many Facebook followers your business has, who might never become actual clients, doesn’t produce profits for you at the end of the day.
The best businesses are the ones that strive to make their products and client experience the very best they can be.
Focus on your core service offerings first and foremost, and the smaller details will take care of themselves.
I promise :-)
Back To Business Basics Tip #3:
Listen to your client’s needs.
This seems obvious.
But it never ceases to amaze me how many small business owners fail to ask for (or more importantly, listen to) the opinions of their current and past clients in relation to the services you provide, or added value they're looking for you (or if you don’t listen), someone else to deliver.
Complaints are also a good start.
They can signal buyer frustrations that in most cases can be relieved with better service, delivery, and communication.
Questions are also good prompts.
"Do you sell this?"
"Can you do this for me?"...
may lead you to discover a way to offer new services or other options that cost very little to implement but generate revenues with significant margins and returns on investments.
Back To Business Basics Tip #4:
Listen to your team.
Your team is another source of great ideas, especially when it comes to productivity and efficiency in processes or operations.
When you are looking to get back to business basics and if you're willing to ask the questions and listen, you'll probably find two or three great ideas you can implement with little disruption to your current operations.
Back To Business Basics Tip #5:
Continue your personal growth, but then take action.
Most of you understand the value of seminars, books, workshops and magazines.
You know there's no better way to get ideas than to learn from those who have "been there" and "done that" before you.
We live in a rare age where more information is readily available than at any other time in history.
The trouble is, a lot of us spend all the time quenching our thirst for continued learning but don’t devote any time to actually put into action the things we learn!
And I KNOW this to be true... because I have been GUILTY of it myself [insert expletive here!!]
Buck that trend by blocking time to implement at least one thing you learn before jumping into the next book you read or course you attend.
Back To Business Basics Tip #6:
Find yourself a trusted advisor.
Getting an outside perspective can add value and dimension to your business, especially if the person working with you is growth-oriented and has a proven track record of success.
A good advisor, coach or consultant can typically look at your operations and give you a number of strategically sound recommendations you may not have thought of before...
... whether it's repackaging and re-pricing your services, repositioning or updating your brand, or adopting new marketing strategies for going after new or existing clients.
The best ideas arrive when we're willing to see and do new things.
Start noticing what areas of your business you'd like to innovate or turn around.
Not every fix may be a good fit for you, but the more you explore and test, the faster you will find innovations with a potential to totally transform and drive your business forward.
You see, going back to business basics, can and will ultimately help your business grow to the levels you wish it to.
What steps are you going to take? Let me know below...