Time for summer priority -the art of crafting wheat beer in full swing.
Last year we started our adventure with Prior wheat beer from portfolio of Plzeňsky Prazdroj. This kind of beer has long tradition in Czechia, lagering started in Bohemia in 15th?century.?The earliest beers were probably not too much like what we drink today.?It was a?kind of cloudy wheat beer, using a?so-called top-fermenting yeast, which has known then as?bilé pivo, or “white beer.”?Nowdays,?many brewing historians believe that bilé pivo was brought from Bohemia to Bavaria, where it later turned into the Hefeweizen and Weizen styles of wheat beer.
Our task was to prepare Prior brand revival: label design and visual for a beer that was on tap and bottled as a special in Doma?lice and Plzen for short period of summertime 2022.?
We created three creative routs and finally prepared an illustrated one that was linking original Prior branding with new visual approach that respected wheat beer tradition. Colours and illustrated elements show vibes of summer and specific feeling of sour taste.?
This summer Prior is a special among Volba sládk? craft beer selection and is available on tap in selected pubs. We wanted push forward visual identity of the wheat special that was one of typical beers in the nineties. This is why we use colours and visual ideas that brought back nostalgic feeling of this specific decade. We browsed through mixtapes, fashion trends and typo and then created original visual assets. Beer glass is the centre of Prior universe. Visual ideas that communicate past decade orbits around beer to bring up retro feeling and modern taste of carefully crafted wheat special.
Loni za?alo na?e dobrodru?ství s Priorem z?portfolia Plzeňského Prazdroje. P?eni?né pivo má v??eské republice dlouholetou tradici, v?15. století tady dokonce p?eva?ovalo. Jeho tehdej?í podoba ale p?íli? neodpovídala tomu, co pijeme dnes. ?lo o zakalenou tekutinu s?pou?itím takzvaně svrchně kva?enych kvasnic, tehdy ozna?ovanou jako ?bílé pivo“. Historici se dnes domnívají, ?e ?bílé pivo“ p?ivezli z??ech do Bavorska, kde dostalo podobu piv Hefeweizen a Weizen.
Ale zpátky do loňského roku. Ná? úkol spo?íval v o?ivení zna?ky Prior: měli jsme navrhnout etiketu a klí?ovy vizuál pro speciál, ktery byl na ?epu v?Doma?licích a Plzni během léta 2022.
P?ipravili jsme t?i kreativní cesty, a nakonec zvolili ilustraci, která propojovala p?vodní branding Prioru s?novym vizuálním p?ístupem respektující tradici p?eni?nych piv. Barvy a ilustrované prvky evokovaly léto a specifickou osvě?ující chu?.?
Letos se Prior za?adil do programu Volby sládk? a m??ete si ho tak dát ve vybranych hospodách. Vzhledem k?tomu, ?e tento archivní recept měl velkou oblibu v?devadesátych letech, pou?ili jsme prvky a barvy, které ikonické ?devadesátky“ p?ipomínaly. Nostalgie mixtap?, tehdej?ích módních trend? a typografie dala vzniknout vizuálnímu vesmíru, kde elementy minulosti obíhají kolem st?edobodu moderního p?eni?ného piva Prior.?