Time to stop being a bystander Men
I am a 100 percent behind and in support of these women that are alleging misconduct and in some cases attempted rape in their pursuit of justice. It does not matter whether it happened yesterday or 50 years ago. No one can put a time period on when a woman finally comes to terms with what occurred to her.
What is most disturbin, is the fact that so many of these men are abusing their position of power and authority. Many of them actually believe that they are immune from prosecution, as though they have diplomatic immunity or something.
What they fail to realize is that "what you do in the dark will come to the light". It always has and always will.
Good for these women!
Too many men have sat idly by and allowed these atrocities to continue with impunity. I really do not know why so many people are afraid to take a stand against this type of behaviour. It is amazing how afraid of power most people really are in this society.
Okay, I am a Man and I too have tested the waters by putting my hands on a female's behind without her giving me permission as a teenage, fortunately for me, she did not mind my advances. If she had indicated that she was uncomfortable at all I would have stopped. In defense of the Men, I can understand the thrill of testing those waters especially when so many times we are not sure if women are into us or not. Women are not as overt as we are and they communicate with their bodies, which is quite confusing to us men sometimes. We oftentimes are unable to definitively know their intentions as a result of this confusion; I get that.
When you see that she is not comfortable with your advances, you should stop, period! Seek her forgiveness and hope that she will not be damaged by your advances. It has to be difficult to be a woman in a society controlled by Men. We can't imagine what they go through.
Our society is really a society of sheep, following anyone that has an inkling of an idea of the direction that we should take, whether it is correct or not most people will just go along. People just want to be led and the sad thing about that is our leaders are leading people astray. These are a bunch of perverted men that are used to getting their way.
Our very own President is also a sick perverted misogynistic PIG!
Sorry; but he is,our President would much rather support a person that is most likely a pedophile pervert because he too is a pervert. How can so many people excuse this sick freak and vote him into office is beyond my sense of understanding, "oh wait" I sometimes forget that so many people in America are still harboring discriminatory sentiments of a group of people that are not White like them.This type of prehistoric thinking will stifle America's growth.
If we're going to hold others accountable then let us hold all of them accountable. President Trump should not get a pass simply because he is privileged and Rich, he's an imbecile plain and simple. Why aren't we holding him accountable? Trump’s essential appeal is based on racism. He launched his campaign talking about Mexican “rapists,” and subsequently stirred up xenophobia against many other groups, especially Muslims. We should call it like it is, he is a racist, misogynistic, perverted,privileged white man, that gives all other decent honorable white men a bad name. Everyone knows what Trump is selling and if you continue to support this ideology, then you too are complicit in Racist attributes that damage the core foundation of our country.
Let all men support the women of America against people such as this, allow our women to speak their minds and reveal these perpetrators without public disgrace. Stand with the women, now and always.
It is past time to support them. Being Black; I understand how they must feel when they are concerned about reprisals, I can relate, therefore; they have my unequivocal support.
Grad Student
7 年Sorry you feel that way, the image will stay. Thanks for your comments,however; it does seem to validate my point.
Strategist/Writer/Designer | Connecting your message with your markets
7 年I don't care if that is a stock photo. Using imagery like this for shock value contributes to inuring people to the real wrongs of sexual harassment.