Time to Start Your Own Business?
In a few days, I'll be posting an article that is just about done. It's titled "Are You Un-hirable - and What To Do About It". Loaded with current data, it points to massive changes in the employment world.
I believe everyone needs to have an out, an escape from cubicle life, a chance to own and build something of their own. It may turn into an Amazon.com - it likely will not. But that's ok - it can turn into just what you need - a way to move toward independence, achievement and more income. My 13 year old niece Lily is making $200 a month selling hand-made items on Etsy. And, we have a 96 year old business partner making $6,000 a month. Anyone CAN have their own business. Not everyone will, but anyone can - its just a decision.
Have you thought about starting a business? Most people have. They have a concept, idea or product they want to share with the world. But where and how do you start? I've put together a Start Up Planning guide. You are welcome to download it here: www.essential7coaching.com. It will give you a starting point to think about the components of a new business - or expanding one you already have.
There has never, ever been a better time to start your own business. I hope you will join the many who have - you'll find much joy along the way. JE
Free 30 Minute - Start Your Business - Coaching Strategy Session - 208.471.8211
During the session:
We’ll work together to create a crystal-clear vision for the kind of business you’d like to start and the steps you need to take to get that into reality.
- You’ll uncover the hidden challenges that may be holding you back
- You’ll leave our session renewed, re-energized and inspired to finally start the business that will make you happier and change your destiny.