Time & Space Complexity.

Time & Space Complexity.

I Have to #PythonCode For Find Minimum Time & #SpaceCpmplextiy ?????

Both code snippets are designed to find the minimum value in an array, but they use slightly different approaches.

Let's Find their time and space complexities:----

~~ First Snipped Code

arr = [2,5,1,0,45,3] // define Array with few elements

min_val = arr[0] // minimum by default set with index 0 element of array.

for i in range(1,len(arr),1):? ? // iteration of array element

if arr[i] < min_val:? ? ? ? // check if array iteration(I) value is less then min_val then update min_val by array (I) iteration's value.

min_val = arr[i]


~~ Second snipped code

Same Step Follow

arr = [200,55,100,34,45,31]

min_val = arr[0]

for i in arr:? ?

if i < min_val:? ? ? ?

min_val = i


Then What is different above between them.

DON'T WORRY Let's Discussed Now.................................

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Time Complexity:

  • Both snippets have a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array.
  • They both iterate through the array once, performing a constant-time comparison for each element.

Space Complexity:

  • Both snippets have a space complexity of O(1).
  • They only use a single additional variable (min_val) regardless of the input size.

The main differences:

  1. Iteration method:The first snippet uses indexing with range().The second snippet uses direct iteration over array elements.
  2. Readability:The second snippet is generally considered more Pythonic and slightly more readable.
  3. Performance: In practice, the second snippet might be slightly faster in Python due to avoiding index lookups, but this difference is usually ( negligible ) .

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Archy Gupta


