Time for Some Humour
Steven Wardell
|| Quality | Lean Samurai ?? | Problem Solver | Process Improvement | Quality Management Systems | Auditor | Mentor | Leader | Published Author ||
Contractors & Recruiters:
We’ve all got funny stories surrounding our experiences within the business sectors we work within.
I think it’s time that we shared these stories: -
A recruiter contacted me about a role which sounded very tempting; following the confidentiality speech, the recruiter continued with their very well-rehearsed sales pitch, and I listened intently…
“… You can see from the job description I sent, you clearly have the experience my client is looking for and I would like to send your details across to see if we could arrange an interview – What’s your availability like?”
Following a very brief silence, I asked, “What’s the rate on offer?”
“Well, I wanted to see what you would require in order to keep you there; my client is looking for someone on a medium to long term basis.”
“What is the contract length?” I enquired.
“Well, I wanted to see what kind of contract length you were looking for, as I am not sure how long these deliverables will take.”
“Has your client given you any indication of what they are willing to pay and how long they are expecting these deliverables to take?” I scratched my head, “They must have an idea of timing!”
“Well, my client isn’t too sure, and that’s why I’m asking you.”
“They must have a budget?” my patience now diluting.
“I can ask them these questions if you want me to and call you back.” The recruiter seemed at a loss, “I’ll try and get hold of my client and get back to you.”
The call ended – I never heard from this recruiter again.