Time is Short for the U.S. as We've Known It

Time is Short for the U.S. as We've Known It

Time is short for the United States as we’ve known it, it is being radically transformed into a totalitarian state where our constitutionally protected freedoms have all but disappeared, first through the Patriot Act after 911 and then through the shuttering of the economy during Covid where “two weeks to contain the spread” became six months and policies like mask and vaccine mandates were forced on some segments of the population like; medical workers, students and faculty at many universities, and almost the entire US military. Not only have these policies been proven, through numerous academic studies from around the world to be ineffective, a few of the authors of these fascist policies have admitted that they were arbitrary and capricious, a giant social experiment to test just how compliant our population is. ?As Benjamin Franklin said:

??“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

?And yes, both political parties are guilty of allowing this to happen, they are both tools of a global socialist cabal that represents the interests of a small number of families and huge global corporations.? You have been led by the main-stream media to believe the election is about the merits or faults of Donal J Trump, it is not, he just happens to be the potential pause button that we’ve been provided so we can all stand back and take in what is really happening to our world.

?In all likelihood 90% of you reading this article made your voting decision weeks or even months ago and there is little chance anything I state here will change that decision, however, for the 10% that find both characters distasteful and therefore remain undecided, I hope to give you some things to think about that may help your decision. I want to start first with focusing you on what the real issue is.

?The end game of the global socialist cabal was first published in 1992 as the action plan of the United Nations entitled UN Agenda 21, which laid out a plan for a new one world socialist government that would own all schools and universities, would end private land and home ownership and implement a single cashless currency, in other words totalitarian control over the entire world population. Perhaps most infamous of their desired outcomes, which they do not readily publish, is dramatic depopulation! Agenda 21 was more of a mission statement, so in 2015 the UN updated the plan with greater ambition and SMART goals and relabeled it Agenda 30.? The World Economic Forum is a think tank, made up of the world’s elite, that works cooperatively with the UN to help enact the Agenda 30 goals through legislation and/or corporate governance, as the aforementioned global corporations are both key facilitators and beneficiaries of the agenda rollout. ?Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the WEF, has verbalized the ultimate goals of both organizations many times, most infamously stating “you will own nothing and be happy”.? If this sounds familiar, and it should, do a brief study of how China operates today. You will find their social credit system, along with a mandatory digital currency that has thus far been rolled out to 29 cities, is the model the UN and WEF have planned for us all. Does that fit your definition of happiness, where all your choices will be made for you and the government derives its powers not from us, the people, but from a small group of elites??

?For a good synopsis of the challenges with Agenda 30 follow this link: https://americanpolicy.org/2017/10/04/agenda-21-agenda-2030-there-is-no-difference/

?BTW when I started following Agenda 21 in the early 2000’s I could readily find Agenda 21 on the first search page, along with numerous critical references. Today I had to go four pages deep to find the first article that was not pure UN propaganda.

?This cabal is very good at what they do:

  • They have co-opted all major news corporations, which have in the last 30 years acquired 90% of formerly small independent newspapers in the country, which combined we call the Main Stream Media, including Fox, which pretends to offer an alternate view, but that pretense has been steadily diminishing the last few years.

o?? A few brave whistle blowers, like Sage Steel, have left MSM and confirm that the narrative is 100% controlled and synced between outlets when the issue is important to the cabal.

o?? Covid-19 is a perfect example. Within weeks of the vaccine rollout prominent, published physicians around the country came forward with information about what they were seeing clinically that did not align with the propaganda the CDC and WHO were pushing through multi-billion-dollar ad campaigns, almost every single one was cancelled in one way or another, many losing their current hospital positions and/or their medical licenses and in some cases their lives. ?What followed was mask mandates, social distancing (both of which have been conclusively proven to be worthless) and even vaccine mandates, all fully supported by the MSM.

o?? Another example is the Trump Russian collusion narrative that was almost all the MSM talked about for several years.? Today we know factually that the entire narrative was falsified by the Clintons, Obama and the FBI through the Steel dossier. Even though this has been factually proven, not one single person has been held accountable because the Left controls the Justice Dept.

o?? Same is true for the Hunter Biden laptop. When the story broke two months before the 2020 election the MSM labeled the story Russian disinformation. Today it has not only been proven that the laptop was indeed real and intentionally withheld by the FBI, it has also been proven that the 51 former intelligence officers that signed a document shortly before the election stating they also believed the laptop to be Russian disinformation, were actually intentionally colluding to hide the truth and redirect the public’s attention away from this incredibly damaging information, clearly to benefit the cabal’s agenda and elect Joe Biden.? See this article direct from the House Judiciary Committee: https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/new-information-shows-cia-contractors-colluded-biden-campaign-discredit-hunter

o?? Most recently, the FCC fast tracked and adopted an order to?approve George Soros, along with a group of foreign investors, to purchase?of the majority stake in more than 200 radio stations in 40 markets just weeks before the presidential election. This is in direct violation of the FCC’s own rules that only allow foreign ownership of media outlets of less than 25% and after a lengthy vetting process, neither of which are being followed in this instance.

·????? Over time the cabal has worked to remove conservative thought from all major colleges and universities. Their success is evident in that today 90 to 95% of professors are on the Left and it is nearly impossible for a conservative professor to be hired.

·????? Critical thinking was once the cornerstone of educational institutions, they are now the ones calling for an end to free speech, where speakers are banned from speaking on campus if their views differ from the accepted dogma and students are provided with “safe spaces” where they can be protected from hearing or seeing anything that they may not like or agree with, which really means anything that their propagandists don’t want them to hear.

·????? They indirectly control the US intelligence agencies, which have now been weaponized against the US citizen. Reference both the Russian collusion and Hunter laptop incidents above and:

o?? Entrapment in the kidnapping plot of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. See this article published by the AP in June of this year: https://apnews.com/article/michigan-whitmer-kidnap-plot-appeal-539a9dd44027a5f8aff729d778dc8f5b

o?? Jeffrey Epstein supposed suicide…I won’t bother to dig up references, this one is simply ludicrous, that anyone would think the public would buy the story that the two dedicated guards both fell asleep at the same time and that all cameras near his cell suddenly went off-line.

?So what? you may ask, if both parties are in on this what’s the difference? This is where Donald Trump comes into play.? Ask yourself, in your time on this planet has any one individual been so systematically demonized in the press? He was a media darling for many years until he came down the escalator in Trump Tower in 2016 after announcing his candidacy. The reason for this is simple, he was not one of the cabal’s choices.? I firmly believe that for at least the last 100 years (probably longer), we’ve been given the illusion of choice.? The two parties tell different stories and at times do indeed act differently, however, when it comes to what the cabal wants, key legislation is adopted by both sides, frequently stunning voters. The reason is the majority of our legislators on both sides are bought and paid for through their political contributors. Today, for both sides, the biggest contributor is big pharma.? I could write a thesis on this subject alone, but I won’t bore you here, other than to say, RFK Jr.’s endorsement and cooperation with DJT is a startling upset for the Left that clearly shows the two are aligned against the nefarious agenda of big pharma and the agencies that were set up to police them. Presidential candidates are picked well in advance (both Republican & Democrat) and they are vetted and acceptable to the cabal, with DJT being the exception, he is not part of their club.

?There is much I don’t like about Trump, he is bombastic, self-absorbed and to this day will not admit that operation warp speed was a huge crime against humanity.? He was incredibly na?ve and did not understand the process for taking on White House staff. For example, the vetting process for anyone working at the White House takes almost a year, so Hillary had over 500 candidates vetted in advance so she could put her hand-picked team to work on day one, if she was elected. By contrast DJT had only 27 people vetted in advance, so he was forced to accept many WH employees whose loyalties were not with him.? I also don’t let him off the hook for selecting cabinet members that turned out not to be loyal. The truth is they were recommendations by the RINOS, whom he was trying to accommodate, but whom were never going to accept someone they could not control. On the positive side, the difference between him and the current administration is he fired those who were not doing their jobs effectively or outright disloyal to him, these are the ones that now speak ill of him or write tell all books the Left loves to tout. What counts is accomplishments, to that end I’ve attached a list of Trump’s top 100 accomplishments at the end of this article, it is nothing short of impressive.

?By contrast Biden and Harris had numerous outright failures during their term, like the pullout from Afghanistan, the 600+ riots where several people were murdered in the streets and billions of dollars of damage was done and not a single person was held accountable or lost their job. Retraction of 97 of DJTs executive orders on Biden’s first day in office that opened our border up to virtually anyone that wanted to walk or fly across. In fact paid incentives were put in place to encourage Illegals, which resulted in a bare minimum of 11 million more undocumented folks in the country today than we had at the end of DJT’s term, many of whom are gang or cartel members, convicts from foreign jails and at least 700 documented known terrorists…I’m sure this will have a happy ending!

?So, let’s take a close look at the current democratic party situation.? During the 2020 election cycle they literally hid Biden from the public, with near zero public appearances or interviews as it was well known by anyone carefully observing his behavior that he was cognitively impaired. It took 3 ? years and a truly embarrassing debate performance for the left to admit to what they had been hiding right up to the morning of the debate with DJT at the end of June.? There are multiple individuals and news outlets that were still saying the morning of the debate that he was sharp and had a great grasp of all issues, those same outlets demonized him the next morning and aided in the coup that followed. Never in the history of the United States has there been a less democratic process than the removal of a duly elected presidential candidate and then quick substitution of another individual that was not on the primary ballot and in the prior presidential election won zero support for her presidential campaign.

?So, what about Kamal Harris?? For the 3 ? years she was vice president the left was embarrassed by her, she was the subject of near constant ridicule, not just by the right but also by the left.? What’s most important is who she is, she is a devoted Marxist and an extreme radical. Here is a short list of her “accomplishments” and positions during her tenure as Attorney General of California and then VP of the United States:

·????? She utilized resources at her disposal as the Attorney General of California to research information on donors to her political enemies. Yes, not only is this unethical it is also illegal under federal law.

·????? Instead of following our cornerstone tenant of “equal justice under the law”, she chose to be very selective in who she would and would not prosecute. For example certain racial groups, some gang members, including some individuals whose crimes included the killing of police officers, were simply not prosecuted.

·????? As the Minnesota riots were broadcast across all MSM outlets, Kamal announced her support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which was used to pay bail for the arrested violent protestors.

·????? Kamal made a choice both during her term as California Attorney General, and then as VP of the United States, to simply ignored federal immigration law by choosing not to enforce it.

·????? During her presidential run in 2019 she stated that if she became president she would support a “mandatory” gun buyback program in the U.S. i.e. confiscation.

·????? She was publicly announced by the Biden administration to be the individual in charge of our border situation, unfortunately she chose to make a joke out of the assignment. She did visit a processing center in El Paso after a year of non-stop public pressure.

o?? To date it is estimated that more than 11 million illegals have crossed our border in the past 3 ? years.

o?? From Border Patrols records we know there are over 500 individuals that have been let into the country that are on the US terrorist watch list.

o?? There have been numerous rapes and murders by illegals, like Laken Riley whom you’ve likely heard about.

o?? The makeup and financial stability of entire towns and cities have been permanently altered as a result of the open border, with thousands of illegals being transported in the middle of the night to destinations where the local residents had zero idea that they were coming.

·????? In the 59 days after her “selection” to be the democratic nominee for president, she did zero interviews, her website contained a tab for policies that went blank until shortly before her debate with Trump. What is posted there now is almost a direct cut and paste from Joe Biden’s policy list.

·????? The policies that she did choose to discuss at rallies early on in her campaign were co-opted from Trumps’, like “eliminating income tax tips earning” and in a demonstration of complete hypocrisy, she is now stating that she will finish building the border wall!

?One of the most telling aspects of this complete departure from the values of our republic is the curated information that the social media companies allow us to see. One week prior to Kamala’s coronation a search of her name on Google, Safari or Brave would result in a plethora of negative articles and references that ran five to six pages deep. Try that search today; I went six pages deep on Google and could find nothing but glowing reviews, or articles claiming disinformation about prior negative stories.

?The Biden campaign strategy started early calling DJT a fascist and Hitler like, and suggested that if elected he would use military force to go after his political enemies. The Harris campaign quickly adopted the same strategy and repeated it often and loudly in order to normalize it, this is how propaganda works. So, what’s the reality? On September 27, the Department of Defense quietly reissued Directive 5200.01, where wording within the document was updated that effectively expanded the Military’s ability to use of lethal force against U.S. Citizens. So whenever the Left makes a claim about something Right is doing in a negative way, it is actually what they have already done or are in the process of doing themselves.

?To wrap this up; Biden and Kamala are not and have not been running anything, they are 100% controlled by outside influences, which I suggest is the cabal I’ve been discussing. Their plans for complete totalitarian control of the world are in the final stages.? We all watched what happened in Venezuela and now Brazil. Free speech is almost completely gone in Europe; look up recent court cases in Ireland, Scottland, England and now France with the arrest of Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram. First comes the confiscation of guns, then complete control over the media, followed then by control over social media. The world loved Elon Musk until he became a defender of free speech. Durov’s arrest was simply a warning to Musk.

?The stakes could not be higher in this election, so I will leave you with one last question, is your dislike of DJT worth the risk of potentially loosing Western Civilization as we know it? Yes, I am 100% serious, we are much closer to the precipice than most realize.


SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE: List of President Trump’s TOP 100 Accomplishments!

By?Noah?| of 100PERCENTFeDUP.com, Oct 8, 2024

  1. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Enacted significant tax cuts for individuals and businesses.
  2. Economic Growth: Oversaw a period of substantial economic growth pre-COVID-19.
  3. Unemployment Rates: Achieved historically low unemployment rates before the pandemic.
  4. Stock Market Records: Stock markets reached all-time highs during his term.
  5. Criminal Justice Reform: Signed the First Step Act, reforming sentencing laws and expanding rehabilitation programs.
  6. Military Spending: Increased defense spending, modernizing the military.
  7. Veterans Affairs: Signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials to fire failing employees and established a VA hotline.
  8. Border Security: Advocated for and began construction of barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.
  9. Trade Agreements: Renegotiated NAFTA, resulting in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
  10. China Trade Policy: Imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, aiming to combat unfair trade practices.
  11. Deregulation: Reduced the number of federal regulations, aiming to simplify governmental processes for businesses and individuals.
  12. Judicial Appointments: Appointed three Supreme Court Justices and numerous federal judges.
  13. Israel and the Middle East: Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and helped broker the Abraham Accords.
  14. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal: Withdrew from the JCPOA, citing concerns over Iran’s compliance and regional behavior.
  15. Energy Independence: U.S. became a net exporter of oil and natural gas.
  16. Elimination of ISIS’s Territorial Caliphate: Directed efforts that led to the end of the Islamic State’s territorial control in Iraq and Syria.
  17. Space Force: Established the U.S. Space Force as a new branch of the Armed Forces.
  18. North Korea: Engaged in direct diplomacy with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
  19. Opioid Crisis: Signed bills to combat the opioid epidemic and increased funding for opioid treatment.
  20. Healthcare: Repealed the individual mandate penalty of the Affordable Care Act.
  21. Right to Try Act: Allowed terminally ill patients to try experimental treatments not yet approved by the FDA.
  22. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Increased funding and signed legislation to support HBCUs.
  23. Bipartisan Conservation Legislation: Signed the Great American Outdoors Act, funding national park maintenance and conservation.
  24. Child Care and Family Leave: Advocated for and supported policies for paid family leave and child care support.
  25. Immigration Policy Reform: Implemented measures aimed at reducing illegal immigration and reforming asylum procedures.
  26. NATO Funding: Pressured NATO allies to increase their defense spending.
  27. Syria: Ordered a missile strike against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack.
  28. Criminal Deportations: Increased deportations of gang members and individuals charged with serious crimes.
  29. Human Trafficking: Signed legislation and took measures to combat human trafficking.
  30. Food Stamp Reform: Implemented reforms to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aiming to encourage self-sufficiency.
  31. Broadband Internet in Rural Areas: Worked on expanding broadband access in rural communities.
  32. 5G Technology: Promoted the development and deployment of 5G technology.
  33. Israel-Gulf States Relations: Facilitated normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states.
  34. Anwar al-Awlaki Operation: Conducted a successful operation eliminating ISIS leader Anwar al-Awlaki.
  35. U.S.-Taliban Peace Deal: Negotiated a peace agreement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.
  36. Protecting Life in Global Health Policy: Expanded policies to restrict funding for overseas abortions.
  37. Title IX Protections: Revised Title IX regulations to provide due process protections in college sexual assault cases.
  38. Religious Liberty: Promoted policies to protect religious freedom.
  39. Opportunity Zones: Created Opportunity Zones to encourage investment in low-income communities.
  40. Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule: Revised the WOTUS rule to reduce federal jurisdiction over waterways, aiming to benefit farmers and landowners.
  41. Clean Energy Technologies: Supported the development of clean coal and nuclear energy.
  42. Medicare: Implemented policies to lower Medicare prescription drug prices.
  43. Environmental Protection: Signed the Save Our Seas Act to reduce oceanic plastic pollution.
  44. Telehealth Services: Expanded access to telehealth services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  45. COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Initiated Operation Warp Speed to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccines.
  46. Middle East Troop Withdrawals: Reduced American troop presence in the Middle East.
  47. National Security Strategy: Released a National Security Strategy emphasizing competition with China and Russia.
  48. U.S.-Japan Trade Deal: Signed a trade agreement with Japan.
  49. U.S.-South Korea Trade Agreement: Renegotiated the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement.
  50. U.S.-EU Trade Relations: Worked on improving trade relations with the European Union.
  51. Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism: Targeted anti-Semitism in educational institutions.
  52. Bureau of Land Management Headquarters Relocation: Moved the Bureau of Land Management’s headquarters to Colorado.
  53. Protecting Seniors with Diabetes: Made Medicare plans more affordable for seniors with diabetes.
  54. Executive Orders on Healthcare: Signed executive orders aimed at lowering drug prices and protecting pre-existing conditions.
  55. Public Charge Rule: Enforced immigration rules ensuring self-sufficiency of immigrants.
  56. National Garden of American Heroes: Announced the creation of a national garden to honor American historical figures.
  57. Protecting Federal Statues and Monuments: Signed an executive order to protect federal statues and monuments.
  58. Reducing Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: Implemented policies to reduce the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.
  59. U.S. Energy Dominance: Pursued policies contributing to the U.S. becoming the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas.
  60. Streamlining Infrastructure Projects: Expedited environmental reviews for infrastructure projects.
  61. Protecting U.S. Steel and Aluminum Industries: Imposed tariffs to protect the steel and aluminum industries from foreign competition.
  62. Reforming the Endangered Species Act: Implemented changes to the Endangered Species Act, aiming for more effective and efficient implementation.
  63. Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP): Established the MPP, requiring asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their claims are processed.
  64. Enhancing Cybersecurity: Signed legislation and executive orders to enhance U.S. cybersecurity.
  65. Fighting the Opioid Crisis: Declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency and implemented a nationwide public awareness campaign.
  66. Support for Law Enforcement: Strongly supported law enforcement and implemented policies to back police departments.
  67. Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship: Aimed to prevent online censorship by social media platforms.
  68. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement: Withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, citing concerns about economic impact.
  69. Rebuilding the Military: Focused on rebuilding the U.S. military with new equipment and technology.
  70. Enhancing School Choice: Advocated for and supported policies to enhance school choice and charter schools.
  71. Reducing Prescription Drug Prices: Signed four executive orders aimed at reducing the prices of prescription drugs.
  72. Improving Kidney Care: Signed an executive order to improve care for patients with kidney disease.
  73. Securing 5G Networks: Worked on securing 5G networks and technology in the U.S.
  74. Strengthening the U.S. Manufacturing Base: Focused on policies to strengthen the U.S. manufacturing base and bring back manufacturing jobs.
  75. Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: Signed an executive order to promote the development and regulation of artificial intelligence.
  76. Improving Rural Health: Launched initiatives to improve healthcare and connectivity in rural areas.
  77. Enhancing American Agriculture: Negotiated deals and aid to support American farmers.
  78. Protecting Ocean Resources: Issued an executive order on ocean mapping and resource management.
  79. Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic: Coordinated a federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel restrictions and stimulus packages.
  80. Promoting Women in the Workforce: Supported initiatives to promote women in business and global development.
  81. Strengthening Immigration Enforcement: Enhanced U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and border security.
  82. Revamping the U.S. Space Program: Revitalized the U.S. space program, including a return to manned space flights and a mission to Mars.
  83. Supporting Mental Health: Signed an executive order to address the mental health needs of veterans and reduce suicide rates.
  84. Enhancing American Fisheries: Implemented policies to enhance and protect American fisheries.
  85. Promoting American Leadership in AI: Launched the American AI Initiative to promote AI research and regulation.
  86. Addressing Electronic Health Records: Worked on improving the interoperability of electronic health records for veterans.
  87. Expanding Access to Association Health Plans: Expanded access to association health plans to provide more health insurance options.
  88. Strengthening NATO Alliance: Encouraged NATO allies to increase their defense spending, strengthening the alliance.
  89. Promoting Energy Exports: Expanded U.S. energy exports, including liquefied natural gas (LNG).
  90. Enhancing the Federal Workforce: Implemented policies to improve hiring and management of the federal workforce.
  91. Reforming the H-1B Visa Program: Initiated reforms to the H-1B visa program to protect American workers.
  92. Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment: Launched initiatives to advance women’s economic empowerment globally.
  93. Reducing Regulatory Burdens: Continued efforts to reduce the regulatory burden across various sectors.
  94. Promoting Religious Freedom Globally: Took steps to promote religious freedom internationally.
  95. Enhancing U.S. Sovereignty: Worked on policies emphasizing U.S. sovereignty in international relations.
  96. Improving Veteran Employment: Focused on improving employment and training opportunities for veterans.
  97. Strengthening Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure: Enhanced the cybersecurity of critical U.S. infrastructure.
  98. Promoting American Biotechnology: Issued an executive order to promote the development of biotechnology in the U.S.
  99. Reforming the Environmental Review Process: Reformed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to streamline infrastructure projects.
  100. Supporting the Blue Economy: Promoted the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems.

Donald Trump is a convicted sexual abuser, friend of Jeffrey Epstein. That is not leadership, that is flagrant exploitation.

Shannon Frydlo

Executive Administrative Assistant, Akkodis onsite @Cisco

4 个月

I knew I liked you Scott, I too am saddened by how deceived our citizens and those of the world have become. So many have drunk the Kool Aid.

Mike Dombrowski

Retired - Consulting Services at Dombrowski Consulting

5 个月

All previous Empires have Fallen. We must protect our GREAT COUNTRY from the EVIL with in the current Administration.

Anthony Fox

Electrical Controls Systems - Blue Sky Specialist

5 个月

Scott, Excellent compilation and with the Top 100 makes for good ammunition. As Will Rogers once penned, "Ammunition beats persuasion when you are looking for freedom." Thanks for your diligence and may God bless us all in this election.

Scott Day

Advocate for the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and Convention of States

5 个月

Congrats on both fronts Jack! Grandkids are indeed awesome, they keep you young, alive and engaged. We are very fortunate that two of ours live right down the street from us, so we spend a lot of time with them. If you ever get down this I would love to see you and catch up. Stay well and enjoy those kids!



