Time to Shine: The promotion of Ruhrpark Bochum
foto: Marc Vollmannshauser Photography

Time to Shine: The promotion of Ruhrpark Bochum

Time to shine: Make the ordinary extraordinary!

Recently, Sessibon was asked on behalf of URW to help think about a promotional event for one of its assets, the Ruhrpark Shopping Center in Bochum. The cooperation between URW and Sessibon is not new. It is precisely these collaborations where a carte-blanche is given after a number of years to come up with a concept. It is precisely these events that make the Sessibon team shine. Because, there is nothing better than when you can pull out all the stops in terms of creativity and craftsmanship for a super cool result. And so a contemporary concept with a cross-media character and very close to the daily visitor of the shopping center was devised.

Contemporary concept.

The basis of any promotional event is actually content creation. Distinctive content creation that activates a community requires concept design. Concept design that suits the client's needs but also optimally suits the target audience the promotion is aimed at. In this concept, Sessibon emphasized making everyday special. A stylist who buys and combines individual items in different stores and 'models' like you and me, coming directly from the community connected to the mall, as the face of the campaign.

Cross-media character

The promotion with a cross-media character. Naturally, Sessibon provided photography and videography used for flyers, posters and coverage on social media, among other things. In addition, Sessibon provided a dazzling fashion show that brought the faces of the campaign even closer to the visitors of the shopping center.?

The daily visitor in the spotlight

Visit a shopping center on any Saturday afternoon and you will find a motley collection of people, each with their own story. Sessibon felt that their own visitor should take center stage in this campaign. It creates an authentic and believable image of the campaign. And secretly, the Sessibon staff enjoyed seeing people like just like you and I, grow in their confidence. 30 years of experience is common now, but "making models and seeing them shine" is what makes one proud.


A unique out of the box concept, a perfect mix of marketing materials that can be used on and offline, stylists with an eye for the end result, and a fully catered fashion show including scouting and training of models. It's all possible.



