Time to share my wife's healthy success !

Time to share my wife's healthy success !

"Loving the changes and embracing 51" - Diane

I am so proud of my wife Diane for working through the ups and downs of life that include being a nurse for over 30 years, raising 3 exceptionally entertaining kids into their teenage years and all the time fighting new health challenges that she has been given. Diane has always been active and competitive throughout her life and together we continue to set some pretty high goals we want to accomplish. Diane has always been a strong individual and early on in our relationship I notice she had had an appetite that often out matched most guys. Over 2 decades ago she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and has learned the art of managing her diet to truly keep her disease under control. I've often tell people that she is the best diabetic I've ever met. I've learned by observing Diane that its about really knowing what you are eating and how it affects your body, managing your sugar levels by checking a minimum 4 times a day and understanding what it takes to be healthy with the disease. Well she is super excited to now share even more good news ...

Diane is using a nutritional approach to fuel her energy, lose weight and enhance her belief of prevention vs treating. I've observed Diane's approach and diet over the past 5 months and because we've seen the results the kids and I are doing it too.

"I am so excited to share this with everyone! A little while back I started a new nutritional system (motivated by some new adult onset allergies and my my ongoing battle with Type 1 diabetes)...21 years and still battling strong. I feel phenomenal. My sugars have always been "ok" but never this stable, I sleep better, I have lost over 27lbs despite having thyroid issues and being post menopausal. I LOVE THIS STUFF!! " - Diane

Fred Teichman

Sr. Network Deployment Engineer at Gogo Business Aviation

6 年

Rafik Ishaya here is the article I referenced for you wife :)

Sean Ducharme

Project Manager OneCell at CommScope

7 年

Fred, great write up. Congrats to Diane on her personal accomplishments. And to you for the continued support and influence paying it forward to the children. Be well, stay well.

David Treat

Construction Manager at Facility Engineering Services

7 年

Congratulations Diane!

Mike Willard

Business Development Specialist.

7 年

Congrats on your discipline, Diane. Congrats on your support Fred. It takes two.

Excellent!!! I am not too far behind you two in age, and you always keep me thinking positive Fred. Thank you very much.


