Time Series Forecasting Version 1.1
Hope you have gone through the very first Version of "Time Series Forecasting",If not please have a look https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/time-series-forecasting-version-10-vivek-chaudhary/.
Last time we ended at AutoRegressive(AR) Model.Let's start to know basic about Moving Average(MA) Model.
In Moving Average(MA) Model,Yt depends only on random error terms.As we have seen in AR model that Yt = Bo+B1 Yt-1,here Yt depend on Yt-1 as observe before.
In Mathematics in every equation we work with there must be some error.So,in Moving Average(MA) Model we are fitting Line using Error term with Yt that is Et-1 not with Yt-1.
Yt=Bo + B1 Yt-1 +Et-1 (Moving Average(MA) Model).
Now,Let's Combine AR & MA.
ARMA MODEL is more Accurate as it work's with Error terms as well which gives more accuracy while applying.
Yt=Bo + B1 Yt-1 +B2 Yt-2 +B3 Yt-3 ....Et + QEt-1....
Note::ARMA MODEL only works for "TIME SERIES" which are Stationary.
A series is said to be "STRICTLY STATIONARY",if the Mean,Variance & Covariance is constant over period of time or time invariant.
Above Image is "stationary Time Series".
Above image is "Non-Stationary Time Series".
Now Question Arise WHY STATIONARY?
Because Most models assume stationary of data.In other words,standard techniques are invalid if data is "NON-STATIONARY".
Autocorrelation may result due to "NON-STATIONARY".
AutoRegression results in "SPURIOUS REGRESSIONS".
Hope this will be helpful and Next one will be coming with Demo be Updated!!
Happy Learning