Time for Science & Innovation!

Time for Science & Innovation!

Dear readers

What does time mean to you? Did you ever think of the fact that by cartilage regenerative procedures, you are giving your patients valuable time that they can spend with their families and friends? But in order to be able to do that, you need reliable, well researched high-quality products. At Geistlich we invest the necessary time to provide that. But also, we invest resources in training & education, that’s why we can already announce today that we are working on a new way of immersive education. Furthermore, we are happy to provide you with long term outcomes of AMMR? to preserve the meniscus.

Your Geistlich family

Good Things Take Time

Salient and characteristic presents the Geistlich collagen production facility itself when entering Wolhusen by train. Everybody in the region knows: behind that glass fa?ade, Geistlich is processing collagen and manufacturing important products. Since more than 120 years. In the picturesque Wolhusen in central Switzerland.

But what exactly is happening behind the doors? How long does it take to produce a Chondro-Gide? membrane? All we can say is that it takes time. Time to process the collagen, time to do all the necessary quality control checks, time to finalize the membrane by cutting, imprinting the well-known “UP”, packing and to do the last inspection before sending it out into the world of Cartilage Regeneration.

At Geistlich, we value time, as time is precious.

Your time as surgeon or as patient but also your time as mother, as husband, as athlete, as friend, as human being.

Thanks to us taking the necessary time to produce the Chondro-Gide? membrane, you can always rely on the best quality that leads to the outcome that you and your patient can expect. Thanks for the trust that you put in us, we are motivated do further commit ourselves in investing the time that it needs for research, development, production and quality control. For you and your patients.

Click to watch how Cornel Imhof , Director Material Development & Production Technology explains our relation to time!

Experience Innovation Virtually

Last month, we had the opportunity to be in the OR with Matthias Steinwachs when he performed an arthroscopic AMIC?+ Minced Cartilage + PRP with our AMIC? Arthroscopic Instruments.

Together with the crew from Antares interactive digital , we recorded the surgery with a set of cameras that will allow for an immersive learning. What can you expect? We do not want to share too much at his point of time, but you can be sure, it will be a completely new experience and you will be able to be part of the surgery as if you would be within the operating room.

Experience innovation: Prof. M. Steinwachs performing an Arthroscopic AMIC+MC+PRP

We are about to process the footage and put together the raw material and will inform you about the outcome as soon as possible.

Stay tuned, you can be excited!

Literature Highlight: AMMR? in the Long Run

Can the meniscus be preserved in by AMMR? meniscus wrapping in patients with severely damaged meniscus? Is this a valuable alternative to meniscectomy? What do the clinical scores look like in the long run?

Pawe? B?kowski, MD PhD together with the team of Tomasz Piontek in Poznan (PL) published their 10-year follow-up data of AMMR? in the International Orthopaedics journal.

We wrapped up the results and the key messages in a brief Literature Highlight – a format, that we are doing on a regular basis to summarize literature that we would like to recommend to our partners. Read our Literature Highlight about the 10-year follow-up outcomes of AMMR? here.

Click on the picture to download the literature highlight!

The full article is available with open access here. Many thanks to the authors for the time and efforts that went into this – save the meniscus!

Events & Congresses

We are looking forward seeing you at the following events & congresses

  • QKG | Gesellschaft für Knorpelregeneration und Gelenkerhalt : Basis- & Spezialkurs, Essen DE, November 2023
  • Geistlich Alumni Meeting, Berlin DE, November 2023, program and registration here!
  • EFAS European Foot & Ankle Society : Hindfoot Specimen Lab Course, Augsburg DE, November 2023
  • 5th Insel University Hospital AMIC? Ankle Course, Berne CH, December 2023, program and registration here!
  • Arosa Arthroscopy Course, Arosa CH, December 2023
  • EFAS Advanced Symposium, Madrid ES, December 2023, see the program to our Geistlich symposium here!

Past events & congresses - were you there?

  • AGAnywhere Monthly #019: Meniskus – Altes und Neues, Digital, February 2023, Rewatch here for free with the code Partner#AGAMonthly and get 3 CME credits!
  • Winglet Originals: What Matters in Surgical Cartilage Repair, Digital, February 2023, Rewatch here for free with the code WO2023#Geistlich and get 3 CME credits!
  • Winglet Originals: Malalignment and early OA of the Ankle, Digital, May 2023 Rewatch here!
  • Winglet ICRS TV Series #001: Preserve or Replace in the Aging Athlete: The Debate Continues, Digital, May 2023, Rewatch here for free with the code Geistlich@ICRS2023
  • Winglet ICRS TV Series #002: Interviews to ICRS Living Legends, Digital, May 2023, Rewatch here for free with the code Geistlich@ICRS2023
  • 28. DAF Jahrestagung, Rostock DE, June 2023
  • IBRA 2nd International Ankle Osteoarthritis Course, Basel CH, June 2023
  • Winglet ICRS TV Series #003: Interviews to ICRS Living Legends, Digital, June 2023, Rewatch here for free with the code Geistlich@ICRS2023
  • 83. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, St. Gallen CH, June 2023
  • WST Hands-On, Cologne DE, September 2023, register here!
  • 17th ICRS World Congress, Sitges/Barcelona ES, September 2023
  • 40. AGA Kongress, Berlin DE, September 2023
  • IBRA Young Academy, Foot & Ankle Specimen Course, Barcelona ES, September 2023
  • IBRA Contemporary Challenges and Perspectives in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Sao Paolo BR, October 2023
  • AO Sports Course – Principles of Sports Medicine, Berlin DE, October 2023

Author: Steven Kramer

I am very proud to be part of such a wonderful family !!!


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